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PlayStation 4 exclusive The Tomorrow Children to be revived

As Sony relinquishes control back to developer Q-Games.

The Tomorrow Children, the bizarre and experimental free-to-play PlayStation 4 exclusive, is being revived by its original creator Q-Games.

The move comes after Q-Games regained ownership of the rights to The Tomorrow Children from Sony - the first time the platform holder has allowed this.

Q-Games says it will now rebuild The Tomorrow Children and bring it back to life, more than four years after it was shut down. But there's no word yet on when its relaunch will happen - or for what platforms.

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A mix of collaborative building in a futuristic Soviet dystopia, The Tomorrow Children was an intriguing and unusual proposition which never really found its feet.

Sony initially tested the game via a public beta in June 2016 before launching it in early access later that year with a paid Founder's Pack. A full, free-to-play release then followed in October 2016.

The game lasted little more than a year, before servers went dark in November 2017.

In a statement issued today, Q-Games boss Dylan Cuthbert paid tribute to fans' interest for helping revive The Tomorrow Children - and also Sony for returning the project's rights.

"I'd like to thank first and foremost the fans of The Tomorrow Children, without whom, I would never have had the confidence to keep pursuing this deal," Cuthbert said. "Our fans are some of the most amazing gamers out there, and every day for the past four years they have kept the dream alive. I think the happiest thing about this decision is imagining the enjoyment those fans will feel as they re-enter the crazy post-apocalyptic neo-soviet world of The Tomorrow Children.

"Secondly I'd like to thank Sony Interactive Entertainment for also working with me to have the IP returned to Q-Games. It has taken a concerted effort by all of us to get to this ultimate step, and I'm full of gratitude to everyone involved in the process.

"I am now tweaking and re-working parts of the game every week, and I hope everyone follows along and gets involved in this process. We plan to make quite a few changes for the better, and give The Tomorrow Children the re-launch it deserves! Come watch the fun!"

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