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Sony announces Formula One 04

Online rankings and all the official dealies (like Bahrain and Shanghai tracks) join Studio Liverpool's F1 series.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Formula One 04, the second game based on Sony's exclusive F1 rights deal, looks set to debut on PlayStation 2 this June, with PS2 Online options based around posting fastest times and racing against ghost cars. You can see how it's shaping up thanks to these screenshots.

In development at SCE Studio Liverpool, F1 2004 features all the correct 2004 season details, from the names of the 10 teams and 20 drivers to the inclusion of new tracks Bahrain and Shanghai among the game's complement of 18 circuits.

In addition to all the options you can expect, the focal point in this year's outing seems to be a new simulation 'Career' mode that takes you through a number of Championship seasons, as you start out with a team at the back of the grid and gradually work your way up to brushing shoulders with Schumacher and co. Or, well, just Schumacher...

Formula One 04 also introduces PS2 Online options to the series for the first time in the form of online rankings with downloadable ghost cars. Offline, between two and four players will be able to take part in split-screen races.

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