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As Origin server woes render SimCity unplayable in the US, EA "confident" all will be well for Brits on Friday


The reaction has been stark on social networks: #SimSh***y.

A cursory glance at Twitter reveals US gamers are united in their anger at EA and its digital platform Origin over the launch of SimCity, a game that requires an internet connection to play.

For many it was rendered unplayable as servers buckled under the pressure of the game's launch.

"Due to the high demand for SimCity, Origin has experienced delays impacting a small percentage of users," read EA's beleagured Origin Twitter account. "We're working non-stop to resolve."

But what fate is in store for UK gamers? The game launches on these shores on Friday, and British gamers will be forgiven for expecting the worst.

Last night EA moved to reassure us that the city-building simulation will work as expected - that is, you'll be able to play the thing - later this week.

"We're making changes to prevent further issues," the Origin Twitter account said, "and are confident that Origin will be stable for international launches later this week."

SimCity's launch troubles, which echo those endured by Diablo 3 when it launched in May last year, will provide critics of always-online games with further ammunition.

It is a debate that will no doubt rage over the next year or so as more and more publishers develop connected experiences. Bungie's upcoming shooter Destiny requires the internet to play and Microsoft is rumoured to have made the next Xbox require an active internet connection to work.

Developers and publishers in charge to providing always-online services point to the challenge in launching a game at scale for hundreds of thousands of gamers. But as SimCity fans continue to twiddle their thumbs, those excuses look set to fall on deaf ears.

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