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Assassin's Creed Unity: Nostradamus Enigma - Astri, Mars, Virego, Venus, Leo, Taurus, Cancer

If you're missing a Nostradamus Enigma from your Astri collection of puzzles, take a look through our essential guide to these fiendish riddles.

Once you're done ticking off the Constellation set of Nostradamus Enigma puzzles, it's time to start scooping up the Astri set. Here's where you'll find each puzzle and all of the symbols associated with them.

6. Mars / Astri #1

Riddle 6-1: "In a peaceful field sewn with stones / A wingéd watcher waits. / Her gentle gaze graces all souls, / Follow to the resting place."

In the graveyard that's north of Notre Dame. Look for the symbol on the tomb in front of the angel statue.

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Riddle 6-2: "Notre Dame Cathedral looks over her daughters, / One snuggled between dame and Sainte-Chapelle. / There, the face of the Son / watches o'er his flock."

Go to the church between Sainte Chapelle and Notre Dame. There's a flag by the main entrance. Get the symbol from the carving above the gate.

Riddle 6-3: "Beyond a Dauphine, the blue ribbons / Diverge, making way for man and beast. / An assassin's victim struck a shrewd bargain / To acquire a city. / The treasure lies beneath the mount."

Find the statue of Henri IV at Place Dauphine. The symbol is on the pedestal of the statue.

7. Virego / Astri #2

Riddle 7-1: "In the Sanctuary of Sins, / Light and shadow dance, / And the Ignoble Nobleman / Defines his actions with his name."

Look on the ground floor of the Marquis de Sade's home, just a short way east of the Cour des Miracles.

Riddle 7-2: "Lying in the filth, / The fallen Godly symbol / Lights the heresies / Of the False King's Court."

The next symbol can be found near the wooden cross in the centre of the Cour des Miracles.

Riddle 7-3: "The familiar cross-road, / Where decadence is sold. / The sadness of the seller, / Obscured by rouge."

Head to the crossroads by the landmark icon on your map, just south-west of Cour des Miracles.

8. Venus / Astri #3

Riddle 8-1: "Built in tribute to the Sun / A square resplendent in nobility / Three colors brightens four walls / Now bedecked with liberty."

On the ground in Place Vendome, behind the statue in the middle of the square.

Riddle 8-2: "Those wishing to enter Elysium's Fields / Must first pay the Farmers their toll / To pass through the Western Gate / Where Triumph will soon stand tall."

On the ground by a lamp-post that's near the gate at the west end of Champs-Elysees. Look near the abandoned cart.

Riddle 8-3: "A most Magnificent tower, / His great grand-daughter fashioned / To surveil her subjects and the heavens / 'Twixt Sun and Earth encaged in iron."

At the bottom of a ladder that leads you to the iron cage at Medici's Tower.

9. Leo / Astri #4

Riddle 9-1: "Above the dark shadows / Of the erstwhile bastion, / The tall square Sentinel silently watches / The 9th month spill his blood."

Head to the Grand Chatelet to the south-west of your position. The symbol's at the very top of the tall tower.

Riddle 9-2: "The martyrs of Herod, / In their ageless temple, / Haunt the alchemist's tones, / With their macabre, soundless dance."

Make your way to the Cemetery of the Holy Innocents. You'll find the dance mural with the symbol on it in the southern gallery.

Riddle 9-3: "In the Belly of the World, / The Saint of the Holy Stag / Still waits for his Austral hand / To reach the godly heavens."

Go to the church nearby called Eglise St. Eustahce. The sign is on the south-western bell tower.

10. Taurus / Astri #5

Riddle 10-1: "Sending signals through air, / Made of wood and rope, / Chappe's friends took note."

Look for a nearby wooden structure by the bridge. The symbol's on one of the beams that are sticking out.

Riddle 10-2: "All men must walk, / Through gates that lead, / To the fields of War."

Near the central pillar of the gate that leads to Champ de Mars.

Riddle 10-3: "False idols celebrate, / On stage they entertain. / Supreme is the Being, / Who calls himself so."

Head to the stage where the Cult of the Supreme Being celebration took place. It's on the ground here.

Riddle 10-4: "Schooled minds guide, / The tides of battles. / Over the shoulders of angels, / They watch the fields of War."

Below the pair of statues at the front of Ecole Militaire.

11. Cancer / Astri #6

Riddle 11-1: "On a Church that will stand, / For a thousand years or more. / Three spires reach to heaven, / The truth lies on the tallest one."

On a round platform on the tallest bit of the St. Germain Church.

Riddle 11-2: "In the playground of the wealthy, / Assembled by the Medici clan. / The grand foyer will transport, / To the highest social ranks."

Look for the compass pattern on the ground at the foyer of the Palais du Luxembourg.

Riddle 11-3: "The font of knowledge, / Plaything of angels. / In the garden of life, / Man first learned Sin."

On the ground by the fountain in the Luxembourg Gardens.

Riddle 11-4: "Beneath your feet, / The rich hide their secrets. / The sundial counts days spent, / Amidst the worms and bones."

Go into the Luxembourg Gardens catacombs and get the symbol from the wall by the candles.

You can find the rest of our Nostradamus Enigma answers from the first page.