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Basketball star cheats at Halo 3

He's only cheating himself etc.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Tall basketball star Gilbert Arenas has cheated at Halo 3 by playing against dummy accounts to bump his skill level up.

His untrustworthy behaviour was discovered by forum posters and picked up by The Washington Post newspaper.

But when approached about it he was far from repentant, and claimed because he was only playing against friends that he wasn't hurting anybody.

"It's a glitch in the game," he told Dan Steinberg of The Washington Post. "It's two dummy players playing against each other. It's not messing with anybody."

"There's nobody involved. I can see if we were playing against other people, [but] it's not ranked games, it's social games."

Arenas is an avid gamer and features on the cover of NBA Live 08 from EA. He is also tall and cheats at Halo 3.

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