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Battlefield 3 5th fastest-rising search on Google in 2011


Battlefield 3 was the fifth fastest-rising search on Google in 2011.

Searches for Battlefield 3 and related searches jumped 1773 per cent between 2010 and 2011, Google said. Did you contribute?

Battlefield 3's popularity peaked - unsurprisingly - the week of 23rd October, when it launched. EA will be particularly pleased to discover that searches for Battlefield 3 were higher than searches for bitter FPS rival Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - when comparing peaks.

The search engine has just published its Google Zeitgeist 2011 report - and it makes for interesting reading.

It sorted billions of Google searches to determine 2011's fastest-rising global queries.

The military FPS was beaten in the fastest-rising race by Casey Anthony (fourth); Ryan Dunn (third); Google+ (second) and Rebecca Black (first).

EA will be pleased with its performance, though. Battlefield 3 beat iPhone 5 (sixth) Adele (seventh), the (TEPCO) Fukushima I Plant (eighth), Steve Jobs (ninth) and iPad 2 (tenth).

Elsewhere, Sony NGP (the working title of the PlayStation Vita) was the ninth fastest-rising consumer electronics search.

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