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Best Echoes to get early in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom

Gotta record em all!

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Knowing the best Echoes to get early in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is an excellent idea since, whether it's in combat or exploration, they all give you a helping hand. Especially when you consider that there's over a hundred Echoes to collect!

Every Echoes has a purpose even if it's not obvious at first. The Sign Echo, for example, may seem useless at first, but it's an excellent source of firewood. Still, as you're getting to grips with Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom's mechanics, it's a good idea to know which Echoes you should focus on first.

To help you out we've put together a list of our recommendations for the best Echoes to get early in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. With these on your side, you'll be saving Hyrule in no time! We've tried out best, but this guide does contain small spoilers.

If you'd like us to continue being your Navi, check out our Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough.

Best Echoes to get early in Zelda Echoes in Wisdom

Below you'll find our recommendations for the best Echoes to get early in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. Check out our Echoes locations and abilities guide for a complete list of every Echo in the game!

Peahat Echo

Let's start with an Echo which doesn't just do well in Echoes of Wisdom's early game, but has the potential to be one of your main Echoes throughout the game - the Peahat.

Lifelong Zelda fans may have strong memories of this classic enemy. I certainly remember making a very quick escape when I wandered too close to one for the first time in Ocarina of Time. Those blades looked more than sharp…

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Well the Peahat has brought all of its strength to Echoes of Wisdom and it's prepared to fight by your side in Echo form. It will soar across the battlefield - navigating over both gaps and water - to spear enemies on your spikes. You can easily let a Peahat Echo loose, sit back to enjoy the violence, then, once the fight has come to its inevitable conclusion, simply collect the spoils of its victory.

The Peahat Echo can be found in a cave on the eastern side of Suthorn Forest, directly south of where you'll enter the rift containing the Suthorn Ruins. We highly recommend collecting before tackling the first dungeon, especially since it will also allow you to complete one of the first side quests, 'Finding the Flying Plant,' which will reward you with some useful Might Crystals.

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Keese Echo

While you'll encounter the Keese echo very early on into your adventure, it's not one that you should toss away without thought. Not only can the Keese provide some useful air combat support, diving down on Zelda's foes, but, by holding on to it, Zelda can soar down to lower areas. This can come in handy when trying to reach certain locations either for a new item or simply for the joy of exploring.

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The Keese Echo can be found in the cave linking Suthorn Beach and Suthorn Village.

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Trampoline Echo

Be it in a dungeon, cave or the Hyrule overworld, there's a lot of out-of-reach places you'll want to reach. Sadly, Zelda isn't the best climber or jumper in the land… Luckily, the Trampoline Echo can solve at least one of these problems!

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The Trampoline Echo will increase the height of Zelda's jump, making it perfect for reaching those hard to reach areas. You could even try placing it in-between gaps (as long as there's a floor) to help give Zelda a boost if she happens to fall.

Best of all, you can find the Trampoline Echo very early on in Echoes of Wisdom as it's by the well in Suthorn Village.

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Ignizol Echo

Ah fire - bringer of life, bringer of death. Having the Ignizol Echo on your side will not only let you destroy any plant-based obstacles in Zelda's way, but let's set fire to any patch of grass you encounter. If there's an enemy in that grass? Well I guess they're a bit toasty now. You can also send the Ignizol Echo out without any nearby kindling and there's still a good chance it will light your foe in flames, especially if it's Deku Baba.

Just make sure your Ignizol never encounters any water or your living candle will be extinguished…

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As you can tell, grabbing the Ignizol Echo early on is an excellent idea for both grabbing treasure and combat. Thankfully, this is quite an easy feat to achieve, because, while it's not directly on Zelda's path, the Ignizol Echo isn't far off the beaten track. Simply pop into the first cave you encounter in the Suthorn Forest and you'll shortly find yourself encountering one. It's worth fully exploring this cave too as it contains a Fairy Bottle.

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Spear Moblin Echo

The Moblin is one of the traditional Legend of Zelda enemies and the Spear Moblin is well known for appearing in the series' handheld instalments, such as the Oracle games. It makes a return in the Echoes of Wisdom, but this time you can use its spears to your own advantage.

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While a Spear Moblin Echo is perfect for tackling flying foes thanks to its ranged-based attacks, it can also handle foes in close combat. Just keep in mind that it likes to take a small break in-between throws. There is a stronger variant of the Spear Moblin, called Spear Moblin Lv. 2, too, which is stronger in both offence and defence. Though you won't be able to find this form in the early hours of Echoes of Wisdom.

Still, the Spear Moblin Echo you find in the Suthorn Forest is an excellent Echo to use against those early enemies you encounter. It can even be used to help take care of the Peahat, so you can obtain its Echo.

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Crawltula Echo

The Crawltula is another Echo which is less focused around combat and more aimed at opening up the world of Hyrule. Using Bind on a Crawltula Echo will allow you to use it to climb up cliffs, mountains and buildings - all with the goal of helping Zelda explore her kingdom.

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Just remember - you must Bind Zelda to the Crawltula Echo or else you won't be going anywhere. Thankfully, once bound, the Crawltula Echo is perfectly under your control, so it won't be running off anywhere.

The Crawltula Echo can be found in the Suthorn Prairie, which is unlocked after you've completed the Suthorn Ruins.

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Soft Bed Echo

While I've heard a good night's sleep is one of life's little pleasures, my insomnia means that such a feat remains a myth to me. Thankfully, we can experience thousands of fantasies through video games and sleeping well is just one of them.

Taking a quick snooze on the three Bed Echoes you collect during Zelda's journey all allow her to regain hearts. The Old Bed Echo you find in the Hyrule Castle, however, has the slowest restoration rate of them all and can you be surprised? Just look at it - that bed definitely has bugs.

The Old Bed restores hearts at a slower rate. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Thankfully, you can visit the Gerudo Desert straight after completing the Suthorn Ruins and, within a tent at its oasis, you'll find the Soft Bed Echo. This is the best Bed Echo you can collect during the early sections of the game and will restore Zelda's heart far faster than the Old Bed Echo. Due to this, it's well worth your time stopping by the oasis to grab this Echo even if you want to complete the Zora dungeon, Jubal Ruins, first.

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Later on you can also obtain the Silk Pyjamas - an outfit which will speed up Zelda's heart restoration rate no matter which bed you're sleeping on.

Holmill Echo

Some Echoes allow you to fly, others to climb and Holmill lets you dig. Well the mole doesn't do the digging, Zelda may be on a quest to save Hyrule but she's certainly not picking up a spade.

The Holmill Echo has two main purposes - the first is creating holes for enemies to either wander into or for you to drop them into using Bind. No matter the means, falling down one of these holes leads to the enemies quick death.

The second purpose is, in this writer's opinion, far more exciting. The Holmill Echo can be used on small, round, patches of light brown dirt to reveal holes Zelda can drop down into. Through these holes you'll be able to find secret areas or alternative entrances to caves and there's usually some treasure hidden away in there for your efforts like a Heart Piece. Due to this, we recommend grabbing the Holmill Echo early on if you're planning on fully completing Echoes of Wisdom.

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You'll find the Holmill Echo during the 'A Rift in the Gerudo' main quest as it's in the cave you need to visit in the required main quest spin-off, 'Ancestor's Cave of Rest Rift'.

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Flying Tile Echo

I've always considered the Flying Tile to be one of The Legend of Zelda's oddest enemies. Is it a sentient tile who just really wants to slam into your face? The one of the deadliest interior design ideas ever had? Enchanted? Or simply just what it says on the tin - a tile which happens to fly?

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Putting aside what keeps me up at night, the Flying Tile Echo can be found inside a cave in the northern region of the Gerudo Desert. It's definitely worth the hike too as it's perfect for sending Zelda across gaps or hitting enemies in the face with. Just remember that it will be destroyed upon impact with, well, anything.

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Water Block Echo

The Water Block Echo is one you'll have to do a good amount of work for, but it's one we thought worth including in this list as, like with the Flying Tile, it's perfect for traversal.

Using the Water Block Echo you can create your own personal stream both horizontal and vertical. Since Zelda can swim in whatever direction your water tower points, this Echo is perfect for crossing gaps, reaching high areas or simply hopping over enemies if needed. You may even come to prefer it to Crawltula Echo since it doesn't require Bind to use.

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The downside, however, is that you'll find the Water Block Echo within the Stilled Jabul Waters rift. To reach this area, you'll need to complete all of the buildup for the Jabul Ruins in 'The Jabul Waters Rift' main quest.

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Bombfish Echo

Similar to the Water Block Echo, the Bombfish Echo is one you'll have to do a good amount of work for as it's located within the Stilled Upper Zora Rift, which you'll visit during 'The Jabul Waters Rift'. The Bombfish Echo is further the effort though, because they're quite explosive.

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The Bombfish Echo is perfect for blowing up obstacles both within the water and out of it. They can also be used to bring a pretty blow to any enemy unfortunate enough to get caught in their blast. With these abilities in mind, the Bombfish Echo is essential to your journey in Hyrule for, without it, you'll literally start running into brick walls.

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It's also important to keep in mind that you won't receive an alternative to the Bombfish Echo until later on in the game. Yet, when you do, you might love the Bombfish so much that this new item may be obsolete…

Best of luck using Echoes in Zelda's adventure! If you're looking for more assistance, check out our Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough or the complete Echoes locations list.

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