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Best Star Wars Outlaws blaster upgrades

Pew pew, but better.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Star Wars Outlaws blaster upgrades make life easier when sneaking goes wrong and the only remaining answer is violence.

Kay's handy weapon has three modes of fire, each suitable for different enemy types and circumstances, though it's worth being selective with which upgrades you unlock and when. For this reason, it's a very good idea to know the best blaster upgrades in Star Wars Outlaws.

We've listed the best Star Wars Outlaws blaster upgrades below, along with explainers for how to unlock upgrades and where to find blaster parts.

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Best plasma blaster upgrades in Star Wars Outlaws

I switched to the plasma module's Rapid configuration as soon as it unlocked and kept it for most of the game. As the name suggests, it fires multiple blaster rounds in a short span. Those rounds are slightly weaker than what the default configuration puts out and make the blaster overheat more quickly. However, they also let you soften enemies quickly, and the fast rounds tend to stagger non-elite foes, which gives you a second to hide or run away. The Super Cooling and Improved Heat Capacity upgrades are essential for this configuration, though since Super Cooling is locked behind Improved Accuracy, you'll have to unlock them all.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

That said, you can get by for quite a long time with Kay's default 'Light' plasma module. If it's serving you well, just unlock its three associated improvements - especially damage - and you're good to go.

The Heavy configuration is fine, but with its slow rate of fire, you might as well just use the power module.

Best ion blaster upgrades in Star Wars Outlaws

Okay, so you only have one extra ion upgrade, but it's still worth spending materials to improve. The Surge configuration functions like a more powerful version of the default ion charge. It sends one larger blast out that deals more damage and seems to stun for a little bit longer. Given how quickly the ion module overheats, a chance to take out more than one droid before having to trigger the cooldown phase is always a bonus.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

All three of Surge's upgrades are worth investing in, but Blast Range and Improved Heat Capacity have the most to offer. I'd recommend saving your materials and not upgrading the basic Burst ion configuration. They're useful, but not as useful as what Surge does.

Best power blaster upgrades in Star Wars Outlaws

The power module unlocks automatically shortly after ND-5 joins your crew, and like with the plasma module, you can get by just fine with the basic configuration. One well-aimed charge bolt is enough to take down non-elite enemies, and the explosion effect can detonate nearby objects if the target is near such an object.

If you stick with the basic charge bolt, you'll have to unlock all three upgrades to get its best performance. Charge Speed and Damage are the most useful, and Damage is the last in the upgrade chain.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Of the two upgraded configurations, Blast should be your next choice to spend materials on. The default version is an excellent enhancement that broadens the charged bolt's blast radius, which means you can catch other enemies and explodable objects in it. Explosion Radius and Projectile Speed are the most important upgrades, but like with the first configuration, you'll have to unlock all of them to get Explosion Radius.

Pulse is decent, but inessential in my experience. It functions like a slightly more powerful charge bolt, though if you apply the damage and speed upgrades to the standard charge configuration, you get the same benefits anyway. Still, if you're having trouble with cooldowns with the power module, Pulse's Improved Passive Cooling does make managing rotations much easier.

How to upgrade Kay's blaster in Star Wars Outlaws

Star Wars Outlaws rolls out blaster upgrades at scripted points, so unlike with some early expert skills, you don't have to worry about missing something if you skip an intel chain or side quest. The first upgrade happens once Kay has control over the Trailblazer, and there's a tutorial teaching you how to use the ship workbench to install upgrades.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Each blaster module has at least one additional configuration that changes how the weapon functions, and each configuration has three upgrades that smooth out some of the module's rough edges - increasing damage or rate of fire, for example, or increasing how long it takes to overheat.

Once you unlock the Trailblazer's workbench, you can upgrade the blaster at any time, assuming you aren't in a mission that punishes you for leaving the area.

How to get blaster upgrade parts in Star Wars Outlaws

Blaster upgrade parts come in two varieties: materials you can find lying around in most places and rarer parts you often have to trade buy with credits or trade for. Polycarbonate is one of the most common items you'll grab in compounds, cantinas - basically, anywhere, but materials such as Blaster Recirculators and Actuating Modules typically only come from traders.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

Each major settlement should have either an Armorer merchant or, in Mos Eisley's case, a trader you can get these upgrade parts from. Armorers let you buy with credits, but the Jawa trader requires items in return for what you want. Most Armorers are affiliated with one of Star Wars Outlaws' Syndicates, but even if your Syndicate reputation is awful, you can still purchase what you need from them - just at a higher price. They are, thankfully, located in neutral areas and not syndicate territory.

Best of luck blasting your enemies away in Star Wars Outlaws!

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