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Bethesda E3 2019 conference live report

Commander Keen is back! But...

Look, I'm sorry.

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Well good evening everyone.

Martin Robinson

Or is it good morning? Gawd E3 really messes with your head when you're on the home team.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, I'm just heading down to Easy Hours for a quick beer run before Bethesda kicks off in just over 30 minutes.

Martin Robinson

Does anyone want anything?

Martin Robinson

I feel your pain. This beer possibly isn't helping.

Martin Robinson

INSOMANiAC: This is the bleakest E3 live Eurogamer chat I've seen since they began. Bethesda not keeping people up until 2am any more?

I will endeavour to make it bleaker still.

Martin Robinson

What to expect from Bethesda's show?

Martin Robinson

Well, lord knows.

Martin Robinson

They announced everything last year.

Martin Robinson

Maybe they can announce Elder Scrolls 7 this time out?

Martin Robinson

Fallout 5 and 6 and 7.

Martin Robinson

And Wet 2, obviously.

Martin Robinson

Disappointed that none of you have mentioned Rogue Warrior yet.

Martin Robinson

Also what celebrity cameo would you like, in the wake of Keanu's appearance at Microsoft?

Martin Robinson

Oh yes please.

Martin Robinson

Richard Briers too?

Martin Robinson

Oh shit, he dead.

Martin Robinson

I liked Brink!

Martin Robinson

So much potential there, and a lot of it wasted, but I still had a fun time with it.

Martin Robinson

Oh, we've started.

Martin Robinson

Totally here for Brink 2 btw.

Martin Robinson

We're starting with *feelings* and a celebration of all of us as gamers.

Martin Robinson

I, too, hate this.

Martin Robinson

This vapid shite is certifiably worse than Brink. We can all agree on that right?

Martin Robinson

We stand together on that simple fact. This intro vid is shite. #betogether

Martin Robinson

Right, so what really to expect. A new Arkane project?

Martin Robinson

Er, Rage 2 DLC?

Martin Robinson

Oh, more on Doom Eternal and Wolfenstein: The Young Ones.

Martin Robinson

Oh look Pete Hines walks out from the crowd because he's just one of us!

Martin Robinson

That jacket Pete Hines is wearing is very similar to the one Phil Spencer wore at the MS conference.

Martin Robinson

It's the latest line in exec chic - the bomber jacket that says they're just regular joes.

Martin Robinson

We're getting customer feedback piled in through the show, though, which could be lolz.

Martin Robinson

We're are also getting Todd Howard's regrettable stand-up routine, which is fast becoming an E3 tradition now.

Martin Robinson

Fallout 76 is up for discussion! It got a lot of deserved criticism, admits Todd.

Martin Robinson

The community is lovely, apparently.

Martin Robinson

Also the pre-orders for Todd Howard Live at the Apollo DVD are going live round about now.

Martin Robinson

We're getting a look at Elder Scrolls Blades, which you might have played already on mobile.

Martin Robinson

It's not very good!

Martin Robinson

TotesBreakfast: Well I'm already depressed.

I was already depressed. I don't even know what this new feeling is. I don't like it.

Martin Robinson

But wait! Elder Scrolls is coming to Switch!

Martin Robinson

The slightly underwhelming mobile game that is.

Martin Robinson

Bethesda's E3 conferences are so weird. In a good way I think?

Martin Robinson

But they could have let us know so much of this in an email rather than hiring out a theatre in LA.

Martin Robinson

Fallout 76 update now, from two lads who look like they kept their coathangers in their shirts as their arms hang stiffly by their sides.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, there's an update coming to Fallout 76. And it introduces NPCs!

Martin Robinson

Wastelanders 76 is the free update, coming this autumn.

Martin Robinson

As weak as this is, I do really appreciate the announcement of dialogue trees being given a rousing applause.

Martin Robinson

Mazzle: Drink to forget your mistakes.


Martin Robinson

And here's a Battle Royale mode for Fallout 76.

Martin Robinson

There it is.

Martin Robinson

52-player battle royale, an update called Nuclear Winter and it's coming on June 10th.

Martin Robinson

Oh that's today!

Martin Robinson

People are cheering executives as they announce a battle royale for a game they admit they knew was less than brilliant when they first started asking for money for it.

Martin Robinson

What even is this world.

Martin Robinson

Anyway here's Todd come tell us a joke son.

Martin Robinson

Also of note, Todd Howard is wearing his own spin on the exec bomber jacket.

Martin Robinson

Thank the lord, then for Shinji Mikami, who comes on wearing a hoodie.

Martin Robinson

As he gets ready to unveil God Hand 2.

Martin Robinson

It's a new IP!

Martin Robinson

So not God Hand 2. But it's Ghostwire Tokyo!

Martin Robinson

Let's see it in action please.

Martin Robinson

Creative director Ikumi Nakamura is here to take us through the demo, and she's brilliantly enthusiastic about it all.

Martin Robinson

A cinematic trailer is what we're getting, showing a gritty take on Tokyo where the paranormal juts up against the 'normal'.

Martin Robinson

Well, I have no idea after that.

Martin Robinson

Still, new IP from Tango Gameworks, and there's a nice edge to its vision.

Martin Robinson

Right, there was a quick montage about pepole who like Bethesda games, here's an update on Elder Scrolls Online, I'm going to the fridge.

Martin Robinson

a8a: Games journalists are an embarassing bunch

Well *excuse* me!

Martin Robinson

But also yeah I'm an absolute embarassment to myself and all who know me.

Martin Robinson

Quite appreciate the applause really. It is quite a walk!

Martin Robinson

Hi I'm back did I miss anything.

Martin Robinson

Another prerendered trailer, you say?

Martin Robinson

INSOMANiAC: Can we please find out who else makes their own yarn? What's with all this games shit??

I'm making my own yawn right now if that's any use.

Martin Robinson

Anyway I'm ignoring the fact that a cat is killing a dragon, which is something.

Martin Robinson

It looked like the cat might be hurt but the cat's okay, we'll find out more about the cat in the expansion.

Martin Robinson

People are out of their seats in the front row, screaming at every sentence that comes out of the presenter's face.

Martin Robinson

So much screaming.

Martin Robinson

The screaming gets louder.

Martin Robinson

It gets more aggressive.

Martin Robinson

'We're humbled by your enthusiasm' he says as the screams ring out, louder, more desperate.

Martin Robinson

That's not enthusiasm.

Martin Robinson

It's horror. Despair. An emptiness in the pit of the stomach that can only be expressed by opening your mouth as wide as it goes and letting out a low, guttral noise.

Martin Robinson

Anyway here's a new game it's a free-to-play mobile Commander Keen game thanks.

Martin Robinson

So yeah, Commander Keen is back. But...

Martin Robinson

Kami: Why does this hurt? WHY DOES THIS HURT?!

I don't know, but if you scream loud and hard enough the pain goes away, if only for a short while.

Martin Robinson

GrayHeart: I cant believe you've done this

Don't blame me!

Martin Robinson

Also I don't know what's going on but you can go helmet to helmet apparently I don't know if this is even real anymore.

Martin Robinson

Someone just let a fox into the auditorium then stood on its tail and now I think it's just dead there.

Martin Robinson

It let out this horrible yelp and now its corpse is just there, lying in one of the aisles, maybe even blocking one of the fire exits I hope they see to it soon.

Martin Robinson

That poor fox.

Martin Robinson

It sounds like another fox just got its tail stamped on. The poor things.

Martin Robinson

In amidst all that, there was something on Elder Scrolls Legends and now here's an update on Rage 2.

Martin Robinson

Kami: Who the fuck even uses VHS any more?!

I'm still Betamax all the way.

Martin Robinson

Right, all that's done, let's have a good look at Wolfenstein.

Martin Robinson

Wolfenstein Youngblood will have more weapons than before, more Nazis to kill.

Martin Robinson

It looks fun and energetic going from that trailer but good lord stop with the 80s schtick.

Martin Robinson

Also I'm a fan of this lad sticking with the trad exec outfit of t-shirt, jeans and blazer.

Martin Robinson

Because bomber jacket chic is back as Arkane Lyon take to the stage.

Martin Robinson

It's an all-nw Arkane game, which I'm very much behind.

Martin Robinson

A 70s vibe, which is a bit different, and it's about two assassins but this is another cinematic trailer so honestly I have no idea.

Martin Robinson

It's Deathloop - proving that time loops are the new big thing in games after 12 Minutes and Outer Worlds.

Martin Robinson

It's Spy v Spy?

Martin Robinson

'It's really fucking cool' they say.

Martin Robinson

'Swearing isn't cool' I say. Pricks.

Martin Robinson

So, Deathloop - an all-new game from Arkane Lyon, and something to very much look forward to.

Martin Robinson

Fox89: *Outer Wilds, for the other looping one? I know, I do it all the time too

Sorry! I do it all the time and will continue to do it becuase frankly it's silly. And also I'm an idiot.

Martin Robinson

Here's a look at all-new technology, dubbed Orion - I believe it's centred around streaming.

Martin Robinson

It optimises performance for streaming games and I'm not sure this is the time for this lads.

Martin Robinson

Here's Doom Etarenal, I hope to end this sorry show.

Martin Robinson

morikaweb: WTF is with the audience? They practically gave an expansion pack for mobile microtransaction based card games a standing ovation. I have never heard an audience so obviously planted as this one.

Glue-sniffing is the only reason I can come up with for the screaming. That or all the foxes that are either fucking/being slaughtered in there right now.

Martin Robinson

Doom Eternal! It looks bloody brilliant.

Martin Robinson

INSOMANiAC: The irony of currently not loading due to people trying to sign up to Bethesdas streaming tech is not lost on me.


Martin Robinson

At last! A look at a video game in action, what feels like a first this E3.

Martin Robinson

A goddamn wonderful looking video game too. A lot more environmental stuff in there than Doom 2016, and I like how intricate it all looks.

Martin Robinson

Apologies for the radio silence - I'm kind of lost in reverie as Doom Eternal fills my sleep-deprived mind with all sorts of garish, gorey brilliance.

Martin Robinson

I shouldn't really complain about this press conference. It's all the weirdness and awkwardness that I missed in MS's slick presentation earlier on, bundled together.

Martin Robinson

And we get a Doom Eternal release date thrown in for good measure too - it's out on November 22nd.

Martin Robinson

The one weakside to Doom 2016 - the multiplayer - is being addressed now as they talk about Battlemode.

Martin Robinson

We're also going to get a proper look at Doom Eternal's multiplayer in motion - and there'll be plenty more details at Quakecon later this year.

Martin Robinson

And that was Bethesda's show. Kind of awful in places, but I'm still grateful for it all. Thanks Bethesda!

Martin Robinson

INSOMANiAC: They're not seriously going to not mention elder scrolls... Are they?

They mentioned Blades! And Legends!

Martin Robinson

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