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Bethesda re-releasing Quake 4 on PC, Xbox 360


Bethesda will re-release seven-year-old first-person shooter Quake 4 on Xbox 360 in June, it's announced.

In the US the game launches on Tuesday, 19th June with a new $19.99 price point. In Europe, it launches on PC and Xbox 360 (as has been pointed out, the game's already available here on Steam for £15. We're checking with Bethesda now to find out what its new PC re-release means).

"If you didn't pick up an Xbox 360 at launch, it's possible you might have missed out on one of the system's best launch titles, Quake 4," Bethesda said.

"With it becoming harder and harder to find a new copy of the game, we're happy to announce we're re-releasing it at a low price of $19.99."

Quake 4, developed by Raven Software in collaboration with series creator id Software for publisher Activision, launched in 2005 on PC then, later, on the then new home console Xbox 360. It was released on Steam in 2011.

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