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Borderlands 3 Moze Skill Trees - Shield of Retribution, Bottomless Mogs and Demolition Woman Action Skills explained

Everything you need to know about Moze and her Iron Bear in Borderlands 3.

Moze is one of the playable Vault Hunter for Borderlands 3. She has three different Skill Trees, each with two Action Skills, for you to master - Shield of Retribution, Bottomless Mogs and Demolition Woman.

Moze is a former soldier in the Vladof army's Ursa Corps. A veteran of many battles across many galaxies, Moze has left the battlefield to pursue her own fortune as a Vault Hunter.

Described as the Gunner for Borderlands 3, Moze uses a variety of mechanized combat abilities to control the battlefield.

On this page:

Best Borderlands 3 Character Builds For Every Vault Hunter - Borderlands 3 Flak, Moze, Amara, & ZaneWatch on YouTube

If you're looking for the other character skills trees, then check out our Skill Trees guides for Amara, Fl4k and Zane.

How Moze's Action Skills work in Borderlands 3

Moze can have 2 Action Skills equipped at all times, allowing you to have two different weapons equipped to Iron Bear.

This means that you can play around with a variety of different combinations. Do you want to have a Minigun and the Bear Fist, so that the Iron Bear can deal some melee damage? Or are you all about explosives with a Rocket and Grenade Launcher combination?

As you journey through the Skill Trees, you'll be able to unlock Action Skill Augments. These will add extra abilities to your chosen Action Skills, such as dealing Corrosive Damage.

Each of Moze's Action Skills can have up to one 1 Action Skill Augment equipped at a time.

Shield of Retribution Skill Tree for Moze in Borderlands 3

One of the main focuses of Shield of Retribution is, of course, Moze's shields. Abilities like Vladof Ingenuity allow you to increase your Maximum Shield, while also protecting you from other forms of attack. You can also reduce your Shield Recharge Delay by investing in abilities like Behind the Iron Curtain.

You can even unlock a shield for Iron Bear thanks to the Security Bear ability.

The first Action Skill this Skill Tree unlocks is the Railgun. This gun will allow the Iron Bear to fill the battlefield with rapid fire at the risk of overheating and becoming, temporarily, unusable.

You can increase the power of the Railgun by applying Action Skill Augments, such as Capacitive Armature. These Augments will allow the Railgun to attack with Elemental Damage.

Alongside the Railgun, Shield of Retribution allows you to unlock the Bear Fist. This iron fist will allow you to use Iron Bear to deal out some pretty nasty melee and Shock Damage, with the help of an Augment here and there.

Action Skill for the Shield of Retribution Skill Tree - Railgun - adds a Railgun to Iron Bear

  • Shoots electrified projectiles, dealing Shock Damage

Shield of Retribution Skill Tree - Tier 1

SkillAbility TypeEffect
Selfless Vengeance PassiveWhen Moze reloads, she looses a small portion of her health and grants additional Incendiary Damage to her and her allies' rounds for a few seconds.
Rank 1: Current Health Removed - 1.0% / Bonus Incendiary Damage - 3.0% of gun damage dealt / Selfless Vengeance Duration - 5 sec
Rank 2: Current Health Removed - 2.0% / Bonus Incendiary Damage - 6.0% of gun damage dealt / Selfless Vengeance Duration - 5 sec
Rank 3: Current Health Removed - 3.0% / Bonus Incendiary Damage - 9.0% of gun damage dealt / Selfless Vengeance Duration - 5 sec
Rank 4: Current Health Removed - 4.0% / Bonus Incendiary Damage - 12.0% of gun damage dealt / Selfless Vengeance Duration - 5 sec
Rank 5: Current Health Removed - 5.0% / Bonus Incendiary Damage - 15.0% of gun damage dealt / Selfless Vengeance Duration - 5 sec
Security BearPassiveGive Iron Bear a bubble shield that reduces damage taken. The shield deactivates if it takes too much damage, reactivating after a short cooldown.
20% Iron Bear Max Health added as Shields Bubble Recharge Delay - 5 secs
Armored InfantryPassiveWhen Moze's shields are active, she gains Damage Reduction and Gun Damage.
Rank 1: Damage Reduction - +3.0% / Gun Damage - +3.0%
Rank 2: Damage Reduction - +6.0% / Gun Damage - +6.0%
Rank 3: Damage Reduction - +8.0% / Gun Damage - +9.0%
Rank 4: Damage Reduction - +11.0% / Gun Damage - +12.0%
Rank 5: Damage Reduction - +13.0% / Gun Damage - +15.0%

Shield of Retribution Skill Tree - Tier 2

SkillAbility TypeEffect
Hell On RailsAction Skill AugmentRailgun fires rounds that deal Incendiary Damage, but have increased Fuel Drain per shot.
Converts to Incendiary Damage
Fuel Drain - +30%
Drowning in BrassPassiveKill Skill. Killing an enemy gives Moze a stack of Drowning in Brass. Each stack, reduces Fire Rate, but increases Gun Damage for Moze and her allies.
Rank 1: Moze Fire Rate - -0.5% per stack / Gun Damage - +4.0% per stack / Max Drowning in Brass Stacks - 3 / Drowning in Brass Duration - 15 seconds
Rank 2: Moze Fire Rate - -1.0% per stack / Gun Damage - +8.0% per stack / Max Drowning in Brass Stacks - 3 / Drowning in Brass Duration - 15 seconds
Rank 3: Moze Fire Rate - -1.5% per stack / Gun Damage - +12.0% per stack / Max Drowning in Brass Stacks - 3 / Drowning in Brass Duration - 15 seconds
Rank 4: Moze Fire Rate - -2.0% per stack / Gun Damage - +16.0% per stack / Max Drowning in Brass Stacks - 3 / Drowning in Brass Duration - 15 seconds
Rank 5: Moze Fire Rate - -2.5% per stack / Gun Damage - +20.0% per stack / Max Drowning in Brass Stacks - 3 / Drowning in Brass Duration - 15 seconds
Thin Red LinePassiveA portion of Moze's health is reserved and can't be restored, but her Maximum Shield is increased by the same amount.
Rank 1: +20% Max Health Reserved and Added to Max Shields
Rank 2: +40% Max Health Reserved and Added to Max Shields
Rank 3: +60% Max Health Reserved and Added to Max Shields
Vladof IngenuityPassiveMoze's Maximum Shield is increased and she gains resistance to Shock Damage.
Rank 1: Shock Damage Resistance - +15.0% / Max Shield - +6.0%
Rank 2: Shock Damage Resistance - +26.0% / Max Shield - +12.0%
Rank 3: Shock Damage Resistance - +35.0% / Max Shield - +18.0%
Rank 4: Shock Damage Resistance - +42.0% / Max Shield - +24.0%
Rank 5: Shock Damage Resistance - +47.0% / Max Shield - +30.0%
Bear FistAction Skill Bear Fist is a pneumatic-driven fist that deals massive damage to a single target at close rane.

Shield of Retribution Skill Tree - Tier 3

SkillAbility TypeEffect
Capacitive ArmatureAction Skill AugmentWhen the Railgun hits an enemy, it cahins the nearby enemies, dealing reduced Shock Damage to more targets.
Splinter Damage - -75%
Full Can of Whoop-AssPassiveEntering Iron Bear makes Moze's, and her allies, shields to begin recharging at an increased Shield Recharge Rate
Shild Recharge Rate - +25.0%
Experimental MunitionsPassiveWhen Moze does a Critical Hit, she deals bonus Incendiary Damage.
Bonus Incendiary Damage - +10% of Damage Dealt
Wild SwingAction Skill AugmentWhen Bear Fist hits an enemy, it deals random bonus Elemental Damage to that enemy and all enemies nearby.
Elemental Damage - +35% of damage dealt

Shield of Retribution Skill Tree - Tier 4

SkillAbility TypeEffect
Corrosive Sabot RoundAction Skill AugmentRailgun fires special rounds dealing reduced damage, which explode after a short delay.
These shots have reduced Fuel Drain and the Magazine Size is increased.
Railgun Damage - -50%
Fuel Drain - -50%
Magazine Size - +2
Converts to Corrosive Damage
Behind the Iron CurtainPassiveMoze's Shield Recharge Delay is reduced, while her Shield Recharge Rate is increased.
Rank 1: Shield Recharge Rate - +7% / Shield Recharge Delay - -7.0%
Rank 2: Shield Recharge Rate - +14% / Shield Recharge Delay - -14.0%
Rank 3: Shield Recharge Rate - +21% / Shield Recharge Delay - -19.0%
Desperate MeasuresPassiveMoze's Gun Damage increases depending on her low her health is.
Rank 1: Gun Damage - up to 17%
Rank 2: Gun Damage - up to 33%
Rank 3: Gun Damage - up to 50%
Close The DistanceAction Skill AugmentBear Fist launches its fist forward and grabs enemies at greatly increased range, dealing Shock Damage and pulling them towards Iron Bear.

Shield of Retribution Skill Tree - Tier 5

SkillAbility TypeEffect
Phalanx DoctrinePassiveKill Skill. Killing an enemy gives Moze a stack of Phalanx Doctrine. Each stack increases Moze's Maximum Shield and Gun Damage. Each stack lasts for 30 seconds and there is no stack limit.
Rank 1: Max Shields - +3.0% per stack / Gun Damage - +2.0% per stack / Phalanx Doctrine Duration - 30 seconds
Rank 2: Max Shields - +6.0% per stack / Gun Damage - +4.0% per stack / Phalanx Doctrine Duration - 30 seconds
Rank 3: Max Shields - +9.0% per stack / Gun Damage - +6.0% per stack / Phalanx Doctrine Duration - 30 seconds
Rank 4: Max Shields - +12.0% per stack / Gun Damage - +8.0% per stack / Phalanx Doctrine Duration - 30 seconds
Rank 5: Max Shields - +15.0% per stack / Gun Damage - +10.0% per stack / Phalanx Doctrine Duration - 30 seconds
Force FeedbackPassiveMoze's shield begin recharging when she makes a Critical Kill.
ShockhammerAction Skill AugmentBear Fist does rapid fire punching, with reduced Fuel Drain and bonus Shock Damage with each hit.
Shock Damage - +19% of damage dealt
Fuel Drain - -40%

Shield of Retribution Skill Tree - Tier 6

SkillAbility TypeEffect
Tenacious DefensePassiveWhen Moze's shields are fully depleted, she instantly restores a portion of her shield and Gun Damage is increased for a short time.
This only triggers if Moze's shields are at full charge.
Restires - +40% of Max Shield
Tenacious Defense Duration - 30 seconds
Gun Damage - +30%

Bottomless Mogs Skill Tree for Moze in Borderlands 3

Bottomless Mogs is focused on making Moze, and Iron Bear, as dangerous with a gun as physically possible.

Abilities like The Iron Bank and Matched Set allow you to increase the Magazine Size of Moze's weapons. This has the obvious bonus of allowing you to use your favourite weapon longer.

Advancing through this skill tree will also unlock useful abilities like Rushin' Offensive, which will let you sprint and shoot at the same time. Sprinting is a new feature to Borderlands 3 and Rushin' Offensive will let you take full advantage of this new speed level.

The Minigun is the first Action Skill for Iron Bear that you can unlock on this Skill Tree. It will allow you to riddle your enemies with bullets, but does run the risk of overheating. Thankfully, you can add Action Skill Augments that will decrease the risk of overheating, allowing you to keep firing for far longer.

If you don't like the Minigun, however, you might like the Flamethrower that can be unlocked in the Bottomless Mogs Skill Tree. Though the power of Action Skill Augments, you can this Flamethrower to deal Corrosive Damage, melting your enemies alive.

Action Skill for the Bottomless Mogs - Minigun - adds a Minigun to Iron Bear

  • Can do sustained rapid fire
  • Risk overheating if used for too long, which renders it unusable for a few seconds

Bottomless Mogs Skill Tree - Tier 1

SkillAbility TypeEffect
Cloud of LeadPassiveOccasionally, Moze's and Iron Bear's shots will deal additional Incendiary Damage and won't consume ammo.
Rank 1: Every 8 shots doesn't consume ammo / Bonus Incendiary Damage - +2.25%
Rank 2: Every 7 shots doesn't consume ammo / Bonus Incendiary Damage - +4.50%
Rank 3: Every 6 shots doesn't consume ammo / Bonus Incendiary Damage - +6.75%
Rank 4: Every 5 shots doesn't consume ammo / Bonus Incendiary Damage - +9.00%
Rank 5: Every 4 shots doesn't consume ammo / Bonus Incendiary Damage - +11.25%
Dakka BearPassiveAdds a manned turret to the back of Iron Bear.
Matched SetPassiveMoze's currently equipped weapon gains a stacking bonus to Magzine Size and Decreased Heat Per Shot for every piece of eqipped gear that has a matching manufacturer.
Rank 1: Heat Per Shot - -2.0% / Magazine Size - +2.0%
Rank 2: Heat Per Shot - -4.0% / Magazine Size - +4.0%
Rank 3: Heat Per Shot - -6.0% / Magazine Size - +6.0%
Rank 4: Heat Per Shot - -9.0% / Magazine Size - +8.0%
Rank 5: Heat Per Shot - -11.0% / Magazine Size - +10.0%

Bottomless Mogs Skill Tree - Tier 2

SkillAbility TypeEffect
Let Off Some SteamAction Skill AugmentMinigun deals more damage as the heat increases and can be fired for longer before overheating.
Damage - up to 80%
Minigun Heat Capacity - +35%
Stoke The EmbersPassiveIncreases Moze and Iron's Bears Incendiary Damage.
Rank 1: Incendiary Damage - +10%
Rank 1: Incendiary Damage - +20%
Rank 1: Incendiary Damage - +30%
RedistributionPassiveAfter a Critical Hit, Moze regenerates ammo for a few seconds.
Ammo Regeneration - +5% of Magazine
Redistruction Duration - 3 seconds
ScrappyPassiveWhile moving, Moze's Handling, Weapon Swap and Mode Switch Speed are increased.
Rank 1: Weapon Swap Speed - +16.0% / Mode Switch Speed - +16.0% / Handling - +10.7%
Rank 2: Weapon Swap Speed - +27.5% / Mode Switch Speed - +27.5% / Handling - +19.4%
Rank 3: Weapon Swap Speed - +36.3% / Mode Switch Speed - +36.3% / Handling - +26.5%
Rank 4: Weapon Swap Speed - +43.2% / Mode Switch Speed - +43.2% / Handling - +32.4%
Rank 5: Weapon Swap Speed - +48.7% / Mode Switch Speed - +48.7% / Handling - +37.5%
SalamanderAction Skill Iron Bear gains a flamethrower that deals Incendiary Damage to enemies at close range.
It has infinite ammo and drains Fuel with use.

Bottomless Mogs Skill Tree - Tier 3

SkillAbility TypeEffect
General WinterAction Skill AugmentMinigun fires Cryo rounds which reduce Heat Gain and Fule Drain, but deal reduced damage.
Coverts to Cryo Damage
Fuel Drain - -40%
Minigun Damage - -30%
Cryo Efficiency - +20%
Rushin' OffensivePassiveMoze can sprint and shoot at the same time.
Scorching RPM'sPassiveGains increased Fire Rate and Critical Hit Damage.
Rank 1: Fire Rate - +3.0% / Critical Hit Damage - +4.0%
Rank 2: Fire Rate - +6.0% / Critical Hit Damage - +8.0%
Rank 3: Fire Rate - +9.0% / Critical Hit Damage - +12.0%
Rank 4: Fire Rate - +12.0% / Critical Hit Damage - +16.0%
Rank 5: Fire Rate - +15.0% / Critical Hit Damage - +20.0%
Fuel EconomyAction Skill AugmentReduces flamethrows Fuel Drain.
Iron Bear's Movement Speed is increased after damaging an enemy with it.
Movement Speed - +25%
Fuel Drain - -25%

Bottomless Mogs Skill Tree - Tier 4

SkillAbility TypeEffect
Exploding. Bullets.Action Skill AugmentMinigun fires Explosive Rounds that deal increased Splash Damage, but its Fire Rate is descreased.
Minigun Fire Rate - -75%
Minigun Damage - +126%
The Iron BankPassiveIncreases Magazine Size.
Rank 1: Magazine Size - +7.0%
Rank 2: Magazine Size - +14.0%
Rank 3: Magazine Size - +21.0%
Rank 4: Magazine Size - +28.0%
Rank 5: Magazine Size - +35.0%
Specialist BearPassiveEquipping two weapons on Iron Bear increases the damage they deal.
Iron Bear Damage - +25%
Chemical WarfareAction Skill AugmentFlamethrower now deals Corrosive Damage and its Melt Damage is increased.
Converts to Corrosive Damage
Melt Damage - =50%

Bottomless Mogs Skill Tree - Tier 5

SkillAbility TypeEffect
Some For The RoadPassive Moze gains infinite ammo for a couple of seconds after leaving Iron Bear.
Some for the Road Duration - 5 seconds
"Click, Click..."Passive Increases Gun Damage as magazine empties. The less ammo remaining, the greater the iincreases.
If Moze is using a COV gun, she gains Gun Damage instead.
Rank 1: Gun Damage - up to 12%
Rank 2: Gun Damage - up to 24%
Rank 13: Gun Damage - up to 36%
Molten RoarAction Skill AugmentFlamethrower now burst fires 3 projectiles with increased Fuel Drain.
The first has a large Incendiary area.
Fuel Drain - +25%

Bottomless Mogs Skill Tree - Tier 6

SkillAbility TypeEffect
ForgePassiveConstantly regnerate ammo for currently equipped weapon.
Ammo Regeneration - +5.0% of magazine/sec

Demolition Woman Skill Tree for Moze in Borderlands 3

Do you like grenades? Then you're going to like the Demolition Woman Skill Tree.

Demolition Woman is all about getting as many grenades as possible and then dealing the largest amount of damage with them.

Pull the Holy Pin, for example, increases your chance of getting a Critical Hit when your throw a grenade. Why Can't I Carry All These Grenades? Has the obvious ability to let you carry even more grenades.

You can even regain health by dealing grenade damage, thanks to the Vampyr ability.

The grenade theme contains in the Action Skills, where can firstly unlock a V-35 Grenade Launcher.

The V-35 can be augmented to throw more grenades, deal more damage or even throw a Singularity Grenade, which will drag all your enemies together before making them explode.

If you get bored of the V-35, then you may prefer the Rocket Launcher Action Skill that can be unlocked later on.

Adding Action Skill Augments to the Rocket Launcher will give you the option of homing missiles and even one big rocket that deals Radiation Damage.

Whatever you pick - this Action Skill is all about causing explosions.

Action Skill for the Demolition Woman - V-35 Grenade Launcher - adds a V-35 Grenade Launcher to Iron Bear

  • Grenades are not affected by Moze's equipped grenade mod

Demolition Woman Skill Tree - Tier 1

SkillAbility TypeEffect
Fire in the Skag DenPassiveWhen Moze deals Splash Damage, she also deals bonus Incendiary Damage.
Rank 1: Bonus Incendiary Damage - +3%
Rank 2: Bonus Incendiary Damage - +6%
Rank 3: Bonus Incendiary Damage - +9%
Rank 4: Bonus Incendiary Damage - +12%
Rank 5: Bonus Incendiary Damage - +15%
DeadlinesPassiveFiring Iron Bear Weapons drains less Fuel and killing an enemy in Iron Bear, increases Fuel. This skill has diminishing returns.
Rank 1: Fuel Drain - -12.0% / Fuel Returned - up to 2.0%
Rank 2: Fuel Drain - -22.0% / Fuel Returned - up to 4.0%
Rank 3: Fuel Drain - -30.0% / Fuel Returned - up to 6.0%
GrizzledPassiveKill Skill. Killing an enemy reduces Moze's remaining Action Skill Cooldown Time. This skill has diminishing returns.
Rank 1: Iron Bear Cooldown Time - -1 seconds
Rank 2: Iron Bear Cooldown Time - -2 seconds
Rank 3: Iron Bear Cooldown Time - -3 seconds
Rank 4: Iron Bear Cooldown Time - -4 seconds
Rank 5: Iron Bear Cooldown Time - -5 seconds

Demolition Woman Skill Tree - Tier 2

SkillAbility TypeEffect
Shaped ChargeAction Skill AugmentDirect hits with the V-35 deal increased damage.
Direct Hit Damage - +35%
Means of DestructionPassiveWhen Moze deals Splash Damage, there is a chance ammo will be added to her currently equipped weapon's magazine, with a smaller chance to return to a grenade.
Rank 1: Ammo Chance - +3.3% / Grenade Chance - +2.0%
Rank 2: Ammo Chance - +6.7% / Grenade Chance - +4.0%
Rank 3: Ammo Chance - +10.0% / Grenade Chance - +6.0%
Torgue Cross-PromotionPassiveAll Splash Damage Moze deals has a chance to deal in size.
Rank 1: +3% chance to double Splash Damage Radius
Rank 2: +6% chance to double Splash Damage Radius
Rank 3: +9% chance to double Splash Damage Radius
Rank 4: +12% chance to double Splash Damage Radius
Rank 5: +15% chance to double Splash Damage Radius
Stainless Steel BearPassiveIron Bear gains additional armor with increased Maximum Fuel.
Rank 1: Iron Bear Armor - +6% / Maximum Fuel - +4.0%
Rank 2: Iron Bear Armor - +12% / Maximum Fuel - +8.0%
Rank 3: Iron Bear Armor - +18% / Maximum Fuel - +12.0%
Rank 4: Iron Bear Armor - +24% / Maximum Fuel - +16.0%
Rank 5: Iron Bear Armor - +30% / Maximum Fuel - +20.0%
Vanquisher Rocket PodAction SkillEquips a rocket launcher to Iron Bear that fires unguided explosive rockets.

Demolition Woman Skill Tree - Tier 3

SkillAbility TypeEffect
Musical ChairsAction Skill AugmentSometimes the V-35 will fire a Singularity Grenade that pulls enemies in before exploding.
Singularity - every 7th grenade
Pull the Holy PinPassiveGrenades have the chance to score a Critical Hit, dealing increased damage. Sources of Critical Hit Damage do not affect grenade Critical Hits.
Rank 1:Critical Hit Chance - +10%
Rank 2:Critical Hit Chance - +20%
Rank 3:Critical Hit Chance - +30%
Auto BearPassiveWhen Moze exits Iron Bear, it will remain deloyed for a short time.
It will tarhet nearby enemies until the duration ends, then charge at an enemy and self-destruct.
Auto Bear Duration - 15 seconds
Active TrackingAction Skill AugmentRocket launcher now fires homing rockets and has an increased Reload Speed. Can fire up to 6 rockets.
Reload Speed - +25%

Demolition Woman Skill Tree - Tier 4

SkillAbility TypeEffect
Lock and SpeedloadAction Skill AugmentV-35 Reload speed is greatly increased and now fires a 5-round burst.
Reload Speed - +25%
VampyrPassiveWhen dealing damage to enemies with a thrown grenade, for every hit, Moze regains a portion of her missing health.
Rank 1: Restores +4% of missing health per enemy hit
Rank 2: Restores +8% of missing health per enemy hit
Rank 3: Restores +12% of missing health per enemy hit
Rank 4: Restores +16% of missing health per enemy hit
Rank 5: Restores +20% of missing health per enemy hit
Why Can't I Carry All These Grenades?PassiveIncreases grenade carrying capacity.
Rank 1: Grenade Capacity - +1
Rank 2: Grenade Capacity - +2
Rank 3: Grenade Capacity - +3
Target SofteningAction Skill AugmentRocket launcher deals reduced damage per rocket, but fires 6-rocket spread and enemies hit take increased damage from all sources.
Enemy Damage Taken - +15%
Damage - -74%

Demolition Woman Skill Tree - Tier 5

SkillAbility TypeEffect
To The LastPassiveCan throw grenades while in Fight For Your Life. If she throws a grenade before gaining Second Wing, a grenade is refunded.
Explosive PunctuationPassiveWhen dealing Splash Damage, Moze's Action Skill Cooldown Rate is briefly increased.
Rank 1: Action Skill Cooldown Rate - +5.0%
Rank 2: Action Skill Cooldown Rate - +10.0%
Rank 3: Action Skill Cooldown Rate - +15.0%
Rank 4: Action Skill Cooldown Rate - +20.0%
Rank 5: Action Skill Cooldown Rate - +25.0%
Hammerdown Protocol Action Skill AugmentThe rocket launcher now launches a single rocket that deals Radiation Damage.
Damage - +380%
Magazine Size - 1

Demolition Woman Skill Tree - Tier 6

SkillAbility TypeEffect
Short FusePassiveWhen dealing Gun Damage, there is a chance of a secondary explosion centered on the target.
Secondary Explosion Chance - 20%
Secondary Explosion Damage - 75% of Gun Damage

Borderlands 3 has arrived! Check out our skill tree guides for Amara, Fl4k, Moze and Zane.

If you're looking for more challenges to complete, check out our guides on the Dead Claptraps, Broadcast Towers, Eridian Writing,Hijack Targets, Legendary Hunts and Typhon Logs and Typhon Dead Drops. If you want some easy rewards, consult our Borderlands 3 Shift Codes and VIP Codes page.

When you've finished Borderlands 3, visit our guides on Guardian Rank and Rewards, Mayhem Mode and True Vault Hunter mode to learn more about what you unlock in the post-game.

What previous Vault Hunter is Moze like?

If you enjoyed playing through Borderlands 2 as Gaige, the Mechromancer, then Moze might be the Vault Hunter for you in Borderlands 3.

Iron Bear is very similar to Giage's Action Skill, Deathtrap, which summons the titular robot to protect Giage on the battlefield. Like Deathtrap, Iron Bear is customizable depending on the path you take through the various Skill Trees, allowing you to create a build that perfectly suits your playstyle.

If you're looking for the other character skills trees, then check out our Skill Trees guides for Amara, Fl4k and Zane.

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