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Brütal Legend is currently free on Humble Bundle

Back in Black.

Heavy metal action-adventure Brütal Legend is free on Humble Bundle for a limited time.

The offer, which ends at 6pm tomorrow (UK time), allows players to purchase the PC version of Brütal Legend for free from the Humble Bundle Store, provided you have a Steam account.

The PC version of the game also includes the Hammer of Infinite Fate and Tears of the Hextadon multiplayer map packs.

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Brütal Legend sees you play as metal-head roadie Eddie Riggs (voiced by none other than Jack Black) as he leads a group of head-banging minions to stop demons from enslaving humanity. Eddie must save the world using his epic, face-melting guitar riffs, an axe and his pals, some of whom are voiced by metal gods such as Ozzy Osbourne, Lemmy Kilmister and Lita Ford.

In his Brütal Legend review, Christian Donlan wrote: "[Tim] Schafer, Double Fine, and Black haven't just created a story about roadies: they've become them, scuttling about energetically, heads down and minds focused, as they pull a handful of simple props together in order to put on an amazing show."

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It's a must grab for metal fans and those who just like free games. Speaking of which, keep an eye on Jelly Deals for the best Black Friday Deals this week.

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