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"That wizard came from the moon!" Destiny T-shirt soars to sales success

A Lannister always pays his debts.

Destiny's alpha test has been widely regarded as a success, with over 6.4m player matches held by PlayStation 4 owners over Bungie's long weekend of access.

But, perhaps surprisingly, one aspect wasn't so well received - the voice work of Peter Dinklage. In Destiny, Game of Thrones' Tyrion Lannister portrays your robotic partner Ghost, who acts as a helpful guide and instructor to players.

Online opinions differed as to whether Dinklage's rather wooden performance was simply the actor method acting the role of a droning robot, or whether he was phoning in his part due to Bungie's rather clunky script.

One line in particular stood out to players, a bizarre exclamation during a moment of backstory. "That wizard came from the moon!"

Of course, Bungie has begun selling the meme on a T-shirt from - where, the company explained via Twitter over the weekend, it became the top-selling item in just one hour.

Hear Dinklage perform his now-iconic line in the video below.

Watch on YouTube

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