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Can you trick Kinect Sports Rivals face-scanning with masks?

Sort of. Plus other stuff from Outside Xbox.

Hi Eurogamers, welcome to your weekly video debriefing from Outside Xbox. As summer approaches, our thoughts turn to getting in shape, and then how hard sports are, and then if there are any sports games we can play instead of doing actual sports, and then if you can cheat Kinect Sports Rivals' face-scanning character creator with rubber masks.

In the spirit of scientific research, we piled on the masks, fake noses and party wigs to see if Kinect Sports Rivals' avatar maker could handle it.

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Speaking of Kinect Sports Rivals, Show of the Week puts Xbox One's first big Kinect release in the hotseat. What does Kinect 2.0 brings to the motion-controlled sports genre? If you guessed finger guns and unwieldy jetskis, you'd be right.

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Also on our minds this week was the prospect of Titanfall DLC. We know for a fact there will be at least three downloadable content packs for Titanfall included in the game's season pass, so we composed a a wishlist of must-haves for the upcoming DLC drops, including customisable Titans, new weapons and new Titan classes.

The most sensible of our demands, private matches, was patched into Titanfall a mere two hours after we published this video. Coincidence? (Yes.)

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For all this plus an improvised Predator challenge in Call of Duty: Ghosts' Predator DLC, visit, or subscribe to our YouTube channel to never miss a video. See you next week!

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