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Clarification: YouTube a part of Spore

Integrated not associated, says Maxis.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Maxis has confirmed to Eurogamer that YouTube will form an integral part of Spore.

"YouTube will be integrated in the game - so you can film your creature dancing, for example, and export it to YouTube," the developer told us.

It clears up some confusion left by Maxis last week: some felt it was simply mentioned as an example of a place to upload your videos rather than being directly integrated in the game.

God news, then (to steal Tom's phrase). Unfortunately no further details were mentioned.

Spore was officially given a 5th September PC release date last week, which is two days earlier than the US will get it.

We published our first impressions of Spore to celebrate. You can read them if you like.

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