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Death Stranding - Higgs boss fight strategy, and how to 'find a way to go after Higgs' explained

How to complete one of the toughest battles in the game.

Find a way to go after Higgs is an objective at the end of Episode 9 of Death Stranding.

Once you figure it out, you then have to enter into a boss fight with Higgs, which differs greatly from the BT encounters you've faced so far.

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How to Find a way to go after Higgs in Death Stranding

At the end of Episode 9, once you have rescued Amelie, you'll then learn Higgs has taken Amelie to the Beach.

Head to Edge Knot City's UCA station, and enter your Private Room.

Now Fast Travel (Jumping with Fragile), which will then give you a cutscene with Fragile who can help you go after Higgs.

Order 65 Elimination: Higgs - how to beat Higgs in Death Stranding explained

This is a boss fight is in three parts, and you won't have any weapons or equipment - aside from your Strand - to take him on with.

In this first part is the toughest, with the aim is to sneak behind him and bind Higgs with your Strand. First, make sure it's equipped - this means you can then deploy it when you get close.

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Stay hidden behind a rock or other debris to avoid detection. To distract Higgs and sneak up on him, grab one of the destroyed pieces of cargo lying around with your open right hand, then throw it (press Square, then release R2 mid-swing).

Provided you do it at a right angle to Higgs, he should turn and fire in that direction. Now sneak round the back of him and bind with your Strand. While he's down, kick him several times until he wraps away.

Sneak away and grab another piece of cargo, and repeat the process.

This is much more difficult than it sounds, in part because the controls aren't super responsive when picking up cargo - try and pause so you have ample time to pick it up - while Higgs can be a little unpredictable on whether he'll spot you or not. Try and launch any cargo at a right angle from Higgs, then be quick to follow up with the bind from behind.

If you get spotted, there is no cargo around you where you are stationed, or he uses his scanner to detect you, run away and hide, then try again. Or, you could simply rush him, which will cause him to teleport away, but you might incur some damage along the way.

To recover health, there are several Cryptobiote stations dotted around which you can run to and take a few bites from. Doing this when hidden, or after you've just damaged Higgs, is probably the best time to do this.

The second part of the battle is much easier, which sees Higgs drop his weapon and take you on with a knife. Approach Higgs wih your Strand equipped and raised (hold L2) and let him rush you. When time slows, press R2 to parry, then when he's back is turned, press R2 to bind him. Now kick him again.

He'll also throw grenades at you when he warps away - when he does, quickly rush him as you might be able to bind him from behind mid-throw. Do these three or four times for a cutscene, and the final part of the battle.

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The battle ends with a fist-fight with arcade-style life bars at the top of the screen. To attack, press Square (the game doesn't tell you this!) over and over. Don't worry too much about blocking, as when Higgs throws a punch, you should have time to tap Square and strike before he hits you to stop him.

When you have the option to grab a Cryptobiote, do it - it'll recover health and more importantly your stamina, allowing you to continue battering him with punches. Keep trading punches until the battle ends.

The reward for completing this is the Misanga from Fragile and unlocking Episode 17.