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Developers sue Brash Entertainment

Dying publisher didn't pay its bills.

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Image credit: Eurogamer

Brash Entertainment, the now-defunct publisher of movie-licensed games, is being sued by two developers seeking compensation for unpaid work, reports

LA-based 7 Studios claims that Brash owes it USD 468,000 for its work on 9, an adaptation of an upcoming animated film from Tim Burton. It also reckons USD 113,000 out of pocket on Six Flags Fun Park, a mini-game collection for Wii and DS.

Meanwhile, Slovenian developer Zootfly says Brash owes it USD 748,000 for work on the videogame adaptation of Prison Break.

"I honestly believe [Six Flags] would have been the best game Brash had produced," said 7 Studios chief, Lewis Peterson, told Variety - which, admittedly, is not saying much. He added that it was "like a cross between Animal Crossing and Carnival Games."

Earlier this month, Brash Entertainment officially closed its doors following the withdrawal of USD 400 million in investment.

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