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Devolver signs Gods Will Be Watching

Will double Indiegogo total.

Gods Will Be Watching, a game born in 72 hours at a game jam, now has a publisher and now has a PC and mobile platforms release date of spring 2014.

The publisher is Devolver Digital, the outfit responsible for Shadow Warrior, Luftrausers, Hotline Miami 2 and so on.

Gods Will Be Watching is a point-and-click, pixely survival sim born at the Ludum Dare game jam but fleshed out as a result of an on-going but already successful Indiegogo campaign, in which it more than doubled its initial €8000 goal.

Whatever the game ends up raising on Indiegogo (currently €17,245), Devolver has said it will match with its own cash. "Yes, your support worth double now," commented Jordi de Paco, CEO and founder of Deonstructeam, announcing the news on Indiegogo.

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