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Digital Foundry seeking freelance contributors

For face-offs, tech analysis, hardware reviews and bespoke features.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

If you spend any time on Eurogamer then you are bound to have run across Digital Foundry, our tech imprint run by veteran journalist Richard Leadbetter.

Famous for its face-offs, which pick apart the technical differences between the PC, PS3, 360 and now Wii U versions of new games, these days Digital Foundry is also responsible for in-depth studies of emerging tech like 4K Gaming and analysis of upcoming consoles as well as hardware reviews and buyer's guides, among many other things.

DF's widening lens means that Rich is always looking for people to help him out, and particularly so as we head into a year that will see new consoles emerge from Sony and Microsoft while developments in PC, tablet and mobile continue apace.

Specifically we're on the lookout for someone to handle core DF work - game face-offs, analysis and tech interviews - and someone else to produce reviews and buyer's guides for smartphones, tablets and gaming hardware of every flavour.

Candidates for the former should have their own up-to-date consoles and a modern gaming PC, while for the latter we're seeking established writers who understand the markets and have existing contacts and enough kit to handle comparative tests. Location isn't an issue - we're very happy to hear from people in North America, for example.

We're particularly interested in new approaches and ideas for coverage in any of these areas, and although we're hoping to offer regular work to the right people, we're also happy to hear individual feature pitches.

If you think you might be able to do any of the above, we'd love to hear from you. All correspondence is confidential, and you can reach Richard through with samples of your work or to find out more.

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