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EA E3 2018 conference live report

Anthem! Battlefield! FUFU! That and more, as it happened.

EA got this year's E3 off to a typically downbeat start, though there were some gems amidst the drudgery. Unravel 2 is out to play right now, as is Command & Conquer Rivals, while we got a fresh look at Anthem and an all-new EA Original in Sea of Solitude. You can probably skim through the rest, mind.

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Well hello hello hello. Eurogamer's away team is just queuing up to get into the venue over in sunny LA.

Martin Robinson

Gooood morning from a sunny LA and the delightful parking lot of the Hollywood Palladium. The influencers are lining up and the bass music is already pumping ahead of EA's annual E3 shindig.

Tom Phillips

While here in sunny Lewisham I'm heading out to my shed with a couple of beers and a thirst for hot game announcements.

Martin Robinson

Wes and I have made it into the auditorium, despite the best efforts of EA's registration system. Chatter among the audience is about this morning's ESRB leak of Unravelled 2 - so I guess that's a thing.

Tom Phillips

Oh god I thought people were joking when they said Unravel 2. Even the indie games aren't safe from the EA sequel machine.

Martin Robinson

Unravel 2019. Hope it's more than just a roster change.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

And that, if you're wondering, is what the venue looks like from inside.

Martin Robinson

Want to see more pics of the proscenium tbf.

Martin Robinson

Toaster05: Hello, my name is Toaster05 and I am an alcoho... wrong day.

No, no, this is the right day for that. Me too! I've got a glass of white wine to get me through this.

Martin Robinson

iemander: What's that image on the front page? It looks like Call of Duty infinite war

It is Anthem, which looks super generic to these eyes. Hoping it comes alive a bit when we see it in action today.

Martin Robinson

The banter has begun.

Martin Robinson

lblanime: how long is this press conference expecting to run? an hour?

I reckon 90 minutes, at a push.

Martin Robinson

lblanime: how long is this press conference expecting to run? an hour?

I reckon 90 minutes, at a push.

Martin Robinson

Toaster05: Anyone else really, really hoping that Pele is going to make a glorious return? I can't wait to hear another of his inappropriate ramblings.

It's the only reason I'm here.

Martin Robinson

So, quick form guide. EA's opened up the big show season the last few years.

Martin Robinson

It has been routinely *awful*.

Martin Robinson

Storytime with Pelé back in 2015 was a highlight, not just of EA's shows, but E3 in general.

Martin Robinson

Then there was the time Mourinho came on-stage for lord knows how much money to look a bit bemused.

Martin Robinson

Then there was those other years but honestly I tend to smash my head against the desk repeatedly once these things finish so I don't have memories of them haunting me in the future.

Martin Robinson

I can't forget watching a load of celebrities getting proper baked and then playing Battlefield 1 back in 2016, though.

Martin Robinson

Actually, who am I kidding. These things are awesome.

Martin Robinson

What will tonight bring?

Martin Robinson

Real talk, here's what we'll definitely get. FIFA 19, Anthem, Unravel 2, Battlefield 5, some other American sports games that'll utterly confuse most of us.

Martin Robinson

What we won't get - a new Dragon Age, a new Dead Space, a new Knights of the Old Republic.

Martin Robinson

Will we see anything of the Star Wars games? We know what was once Amy Hennig's project has 'pivoted' to something else, so that'll be a no-show for sure.

Martin Robinson

Could we see Respawn's Star Wars game? That'd be a lovely thing, surely.

Martin Robinson

Dream EA conference - Skate 4, a new Desert Strike, Populous and Road Rash.

Martin Robinson

None of which will happen, though I'd dearly love to be proven wrong.

Martin Robinson

liquidsoap89: Was Criterion Games' crazy multi-vehicle type game that was announced a couple years ago still around? I'd like to see that please.

It's dead dead dead. Criterion mainly does vehicle stuff for other projects, such as Battlefront 2.

Martin Robinson

Toaster05: Er, Martin I think you are forgetting Crusader

Oh I am! So yeah, Crusader: No Remorse HD on Switch, and a tease of an all-new one in the mixer as well. Come on EA!

Martin Robinson

Also everyone seems to be well into these Spyro and Crash Bandicoot revivals, so why don't EA get involved and give B.O.B another run out?

Martin Robinson

I've heard we're going to get a big chunk of Anthem gameplay - it feels like BioWare is in a pivotal place right now, and I really hope they can pull something special off today.

Tom Phillips

'What's your favourite Sims expansion so far?' Big question. Not sure I've got an answer myself.

Martin Robinson

Everyone in this media briefing is going on about Anthem but I'm legit about to burst over seeing FIFA 19. Just me?

Wesley Yin-Poole


Tom Phillips

Oh yeah, this one.

Martin Robinson

EA's warm-up speaking directly to journalists in the crowd: "I know there are lots of snarky people in the audience with tweets ready to go, but there are thousands of developers who've worked on what you're about to see, so if you can muster some energy on a Saturday morning..."

Tom Phillips

Oh god that's me they're talking about isn't it?

Martin Robinson

(also EA's devs are all awesome, hard-working and very talented people. The people elsewhere dumb enough to try and get those microtransactions into Battlefront 2? Not so sure about them).

Martin Robinson

jiveguy: Oooooh! :D I don't like this new layout for live events, have to scroll away from the video and EG updates to read the sarcastic comments.

It's something we're aware of - there'll be a fix on Monday morning. Sorry about the inconvenience!

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Malek86: What are the chances that I'll give up Destiny, if Anthem looks really good? Feels difficult, man. Not even The Division could do that.

It's a tough one for BioWare. They're awesome, but for all Destiny's faults Bungie is really good at shooty guns and awesome looking worlds.

Martin Robinson

Oh shit they just showed Ronaldo. EA wins E3!

Wesley Yin-Poole

Holy crap it is loud.

Tom Phillips

Korlis: Don't fix it Martin! I don't have to position my browser window to hide the comments section now!

The comments are the best bit! Much better than my nonsense.

Martin Robinson

We. Are. Go.

Martin Robinson

And, despite my snark, I can't help but get a little bit excited. I love E3.

Martin Robinson

Korlis: Don't fix it Martin! I don't have to position my browser window to hide the comments section now!

We're definitely keeping the tabbed layout on mobile, so comment phobes can head there...

Oli Welsh

Kami: Sixty seconds in and I'm wishing I wasn't teetotal.

Eyeing up my second glass of wine already. Sorry.

Martin Robinson

First up, it's Battlefield 5.

Martin Robinson

This'll be our first proper look at it in action after the smoke and mirrors of the reveal trailer.

Martin Robinson

There's really strong Bad Company vibes from what I've seen of Battlefield 5. I think it's going to be awesome - a little bit more madness, and a lot more destruction.

Martin Robinson

We'll get our first look at single-player during the Xbox conference tomorrow.

Martin Robinson

No loot boxes, no premium pass.

Martin Robinson

The loot boxes thing they were kind of all over the place with during the reveal, nice to have it spelt out in black and white.

Martin Robinson

And - SURPRISE! - it's getting a battle royale mode.

Martin Robinson

That was, what, seven minutes into this year's show?

Martin Robinson

Wonder quite how many more times we'll get that announce for various other games this week.

Martin Robinson

My guess. LOADS.

Martin Robinson

Just wait for Unravel 2: Battle Royale Boogaloo

Tom Phillips

Malek86: This conference is going to get really awkward if Anthem ends up having loot boxes and season passes.

Haha, would actually have some weird respect if they did end with that.

Martin Robinson

A more sombre trailer after the slightly comic reveal of Battlefield 5.

Martin Robinson

Honestly, I don't get some people who play games. Ragging on Battlefield for losing its sense of humour, then when it has an awesome trailer with loads of mad things going on that's more than a bit Bad Company everyone's upset about it being too light.

Martin Robinson

Anyway here's FUFU.

Martin Robinson

And it has the Champion's League.

Martin Robinson

Wes just turned to me: "That's the actual trophy!!!"

Tom Phillips

No surprise, but poor PES.

Martin Robinson

Yeah yeah you've got the Champion's League, but have you got the Scottish League? Oh, you probably have.

Martin Robinson

Have you got the Southern Counties East League Division One? Can I play as my beloved Lewisham Borough FC at the hallowed Ladywell Arena.

Martin Robinson

(I'm seriously a fan, mostly because Lewisham Borough FC play in the same colour as the bins around here, and if you stand on top of the bridge going over the train tracks you can see most of the game and don't have to pay the fairly steep fiver for entry).

Martin Robinson

pelican_: So is nipplewatch a thing this year, or not?

I'm always keeping an eye out.

Martin Robinson

I actually started a World Cup campaign with England last night with the Switch version.

Martin Robinson

Don't want to spoil the tournament for you, but...

Martin Robinson

2-2 against Tunisia, 1-1 against Panama and then, inexplicably, 2-1 against Belgium. (I was England, for my sins).

Martin Robinson

So there you have it. Get down Ladbrokes, put some money on, make a mint.

Martin Robinson

Andrew Wilson has gone casual? As casual as he can get, anyway.

Martin Robinson

A sweater in the LA sunshine is a bold choice.

Tom Phillips

Even in jumper and pumps I still find him mildly terrifying. I know he wouldn't approve of my way of life. He's certainly never spilt pretzels over himself while drunkenly watching ITV4 at 1am.

Martin Robinson

Oh and here's Origin Access, which is kind of like Game Pass on Xbox.

Martin Robinson

Basically lots of games for not much money.

Martin Robinson

Here's Respawn. Let's see what you're working on please!

Martin Robinson

Star Wars: Jedi Fallen Order.

Martin Robinson

It's set between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.

Martin Robinson

And it's coming out the end of next year.

Martin Robinson

Malek86: This makes Super Bombad Racing actually sound like a good title

Kind of agree.

Martin Robinson

This Battlefront guy picked the short straw.

Tom Phillips



Martin Robinson

Solo content coming to Battlefront next week, and Extraction.

Martin Robinson

And it sounds like a more traditional Conquest mode is coming, which I'm very much up for.

Martin Robinson

And the news we all kind of knew anyway - Clone Wars is coming to Battlefront 2, with a focus at first on Geonosis.

Martin Robinson

And General Grievious, and Obi Wan Kenobi.

Martin Robinson

Toaster05: Did anyone really want the Clone Wars?

*sheepishly raises hand*

Martin Robinson

Well that was nicely humble.

Martin Robinson

So now here's a boat.

Martin Robinson

Oh! It's Unravel 2. I'm going for a piss.

Martin Robinson

Sorry, I forgot to ask if anyone wanted anything from the kitchen.

Martin Robinson

But to be honest I'm fresh out of snacks and I'm saving those Lotus biscuits for a cup of tea a bit later.

Martin Robinson

I've got like two jars of it at the moment.

Martin Robinson

I'm making a speculoos milkshake tomorrow with some Lotus biscuits, the spread and some ice cream. I'll save you all some.

Martin Robinson

Also Unravel 2 looks nice.

Martin Robinson

Let's plan a heist?

Martin Robinson

Mister_Vimes: 30 min in and this the only gameplay footage shown.

Yeah, as lovely as Unravel 2 looks that is a slightly wrong-headed choice.

Martin Robinson

And Unravel 2 is out now.

Martin Robinson

And it looks like the lovely Patrick Soderlund is about to reveal a new EA Original.

Martin Robinson

Sea of Solitude, from a small Berlin studio called Jo-Mei.

Martin Robinson

Oh my god that *is* a Kraftwerk Autobahn t-shirt.

Martin Robinson

Not sure what this game will entail, but so so into her pronunciation of 'ultimately'.

Martin Robinson

On closer inspection it's about boats and goths.

Martin Robinson

Out early next year.

Martin Robinson

Hi it's the bit with the American sports if you're going to the kitchen top me up will you, thanks?

Martin Robinson

Carpetfluff: You sure? sounded like your back teeth were floating already.

I'd never heard that turn of phrase before. I'm both disgusted and delighted.

Martin Robinson

Deadite: Seems like EA already lost E3

They tend to set the bar fairly low. It's up to others to then try and limbo under it afterwards.

Martin Robinson

ThatThereTim: This is a bit cringey - I'm retreating to the Kitchen. Anyone want *glances over* oh hey I have some Double Deckers!

Yeah I'll take one.

Martin Robinson

Also here's the Madden 19 trailer.

Martin Robinson



Martin Robinson

Well, you're not getting a new Crusader or Urban Strike, though you are getting a new Command & Conquer.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

So yes, Command & Conquer on mobile.

Martin Robinson

Which does look grand. But know your audience, EA? Know that showing this, and not Battlefield, might be a bit of a mistake?

Martin Robinson

They're not the brightest bunch, are they.

Martin Robinson

Bring back Madden kid.

Tom Phillips

MadJack1812: I can't tell if that noise I hear is the bottom of the barrel being scraped, or my own teeth grinding together.

Could be my back teeth floating, too.

Martin Robinson

jonbwfc: To be fair, they've played for three minutes without being bugged buy a micro transaction. For EA, that's got to be a record.

This is labelled pre-alpha, plenty of time to add that in.

Tom Phillips

This may well be a new low for EA.

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

Anyway, Command & Conquer is back everyone!

Martin Robinson

At least Anthem is going to end on a banger. I hope.

Martin Robinson

Andrew Wilson is, I think, apologising for the loot box controversy last year.

Martin Robinson

In his own inhuman way.

Martin Robinson

jiveguy: This man has only ever played the easter egg games in Excel.

tbf they're all bangers.

Martin Robinson

So here's Anthem.

Martin Robinson

Yes yes yes, I know it looks an awful lot like Destiny. But it's different.

Martin Robinson

Seeing as it was likely greenlit when Destiny was still a big thing and not the weird husk it is now it had better be.

Martin Robinson

We're getting a 'deep dive' into Anthem. So settle in for a long one.

Martin Robinson

It's out on February 22nd.

Martin Robinson

I'm not sure when these buzzword-led, super lengthy Q&As became an acceptable format for shows like this, but I hope they're not around for much longer.

Martin Robinson

(I kind of fear Sony's show will be the same this week).

Martin Robinson

Right, so it's Saturday night.

Martin Robinson

You've got better things to do than sitting through this.

Martin Robinson

All the gameplay, all the good stuff, will be online tomorrow, or when you get back, or when you've got some time.

Martin Robinson

Anthem will probably look great.

Martin Robinson

But that can wait. You'll see that whenever you want. For now run, go away, be free. Live your lives.

Martin Robinson

I'm here because I have to be. You all have better things to do than this.

Martin Robinson

Also, no loot boxes, all cosmetics that are purchasable you'll know before investing.

Martin Robinson

And here's some gameplay, about 15 minutes in.

Martin Robinson

Hang on no they're still talking.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

NoTheMama: Let the game do the talking ffs


Martin Robinson

Looks kind of like Gundam Versus had a baby with Destiny.

Martin Robinson

MrFlay: Journos earning their fees this evening.

I get paid in Lotus biscuits. I'm not sure if I've earned even a single one yet.

Martin Robinson

Is that actually Paul Bettany doing the voiceover?

Martin Robinson

And there's the release date again - February 22nd.

Martin Robinson

Not wholly convinced by the demo, though the low energy thanks to the numbing lead-up might have just soured it.

Martin Robinson

That is a wrap.

Martin Robinson

Things can only get better, right?

Martin Robinson

On the plus side! Unravel 2 is out now, as is Command & Conquer Rivals, Sea of Solitude looks interesting and there'll be a FIFA game this year.

Martin Robinson

Also on the plus side, it's another year before we have to sit through that. Hopefully EA's spirit of learning extends to its conferences, which have been routinely awful in recent years.

Martin Robinson

We're back tomorrow night for a big one - and, I reckon, what's going to be the biggest show of this year's E3, as Microsoft comes out all guns blazing at 9pm BST.

Martin Robinson

Go and be free, enjoy your Saturday nights, and if you are going to enjoy some Lotus spread tonight please do so responsibly (and I'd also advise spreading it on some crumpets because it's really quite lovely like that).

Martin Robinson

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