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Ecko grabs Human Head

Prey dev to make new game.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Prey developer Human Head has hip-hopped onto the freshly formed Marc Ecko Entertainment bandwagon to work on a new game for next-generation consoles.

The developer is tasked with making a game that's "conceptually different" to anything else on the market, and has the whole team at MEE working with it to create a "an action title that is truly ambitious".

"As a huge fan of Prey, I am psyched to have the opportunity to watch Human Head enhance our vision and bring it to life," Marc Ecko said recently. "It's sort of like drawing up the play for the 'to win' basket and having Jordan there to execute it to perfection."

Marc Ecko Entertainment was formed recently after the American fashion designer got a taste for the industry when helping create Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure, which was released across Europe by Atari last year.

This gaming arm of Ecko's successful business-beast will focus on standing up for the independent developer with unique and individual ideas.

Best brace ourselves for something wacky, then.

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