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Eidos explains accessing Conan early

Where to pre-order, what to do.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Eidos has explained how the three-day early-access pre-order campaign for Age of Conan will work, and pointed out the retailers taking part.

Speaking to Eurogamer, the publisher said those pre-ordering the game will be able to download a client and pay a small fee to play for three days before launch. After that you will need your full product key that is included in the retail, boxed copy of Age of Conan.

"Eidos UK is supporting the three-day early access offer for Age of Conan Hyborian Adventures through a select group of online retailers," Eidos told Eurogamer.

"The following retailers are supporting this unique opportunity: GAME,,, and"

"You will be able to download the client six days before the launch date, and for a nominal fee of EUR 5 you will be able to play Age Of Conan three days before anyone else. To continue playing you must collect the full boxed copy of the game from retail and enter your unique product key," added Eidos.

Age of Conan recently went gold, shortly after it announced its beta gates would open to the public on 1st May.

The full game is due out on 20th May, and you can find plenty more information on our Age of Conan gamepage.

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