Skip to main content Podcast #114: E3 Crystal Ball Special!

Everyone we employ called Tom discusses what Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft and others will get up to at E3 next week.

The games industry may be about a lot more than just Mario, Master Chief and Nathan Drake these days, but once a year for one week only we get to completely forget that and party like the Console War is the biggest show in town all over again.

Yep, it's almost time for the Electronic Entertainment Expo, where over 100,000 people (or whatever figure ends up on the press release - it bloody well feels like a lot of people when you're there) descend on the hateful Los Angeles Convention Center to see what the games industry has been up to lately.

This year promises a proper Wii U reveal from Nintendo (we'll forget about last year's), new first-party games for PS3 and Xbox 360, and doubtless lots of proclamations of (carefully) measured success on Nintendo 3DS and PS Vita. (Meanwhile, up the road in San Francisco, Apple will probably announce the iPhone 5, which will sell more than all of this lot put together.)

Obviously, then, we're sending lots of people over to LA to report on things. In the meantime, the three Toms (Champion, Phillips and yours truly) got together to rake over our old friends rumour and speculation.

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We start with Nintendo, because we reckon Wii U has the potential to be the most exciting show in town, and we also talk about which games we expect Sony and Microsoft to focus on in their conferences, tying it all in to all sorts of historical precedents. Will Nintendo announce date and price for Wii U, for example? No, they almost never do that at E3.

Once we're done jabbering on excitably about E3, we do some more of your reader questions, which helps us segue into chats about games we've been playing (Tom Champ: Ghost Recon Future Soldier; Tom Bramwell: Day Z; Tom Phillips: wasn't asked). And there's lots of love for New Star Soccer.

The EG Podcast Triple-Toms E3 2012.

Stunning, then. We hope you enjoy. And look forward to some very special E3 podcasts next week...

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