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Christmas quiz special!

They said it wouldn't last!

Actually, I can't find any comments to support this, but never mind, because it HAS lasted. The Podcast has lasted an entire year, which according to Ellie Gibson - editor of the Guinness World Records games book or whatever it's called - is the longest amount of time anyone has ever done anything.

We can barely believe it, or indeed compose ourselves, in this, the final instalment for 2010, where host Tom Champion leads myself, Ellie and Oli Welsh one last time as we wade together into the choppy, shark-infested waters of the podcast ocean (which, if nothing else, is an appropriate metaphor for our award-losing sound quality).

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In this frankly astonishing Christmas Special edition of the parcast, Champion is quizmaster for a retrospective tour of the year's gaming headlines. Everyone is equipped with an improvised buzzer and points are awarded for correct answers. Points can also be won in the second phase of play, which is VERY OBVIOUS to anyone who listens to the format for longer than 10 seconds.

Who can remember the most stuff that's happened during 2010? Is there a prize at the end or do we just do another shout out to Ben Payne? What kind of outfit is Ellie being forced to wear? Also: TWEM!

The Podcast will return on Tuesday 11th January.

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