Skip to main content Podcast #67

Brink special with Paul Wedgwood.

Are you a fan of multiplayer shooters, opinionated British game developers and rampant sexism? Then what a treat we have in store for you with this week's podcast!

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Host Tom Champion is joined by Paul Wedgwood, CEO of Splash Damage and game director of exciting new PC and console shooter Brink. Also in the "studio" are Brink's lead writer, Ed Stern, and silly old Eurogamer deputy editor Ellie Gibson.

As you might expect, this week's episode is pretty Brink-focused. But we do find time to discuss silver-haired lovemuffin John Riccitiello's assertions that Battlefield > Call of Duty. Mainly with reference to Brink.

Then it's time to ask Wedgwood and Stern YOUR questions. What makes Brink so special, anyway? Is it for hardcore gun nuts or trigger happy casuals? How does the online bit work? Aren't they annoyed it's not going to work at all if you're playing on the PS3, for the time being at least?

With all that out of the way, Ellie tries to force Paul and Ed to predict the Metabet score for their own game. And Joe tells Ruth he's happy to help out with Brookfield's open day by bringing the cider press again.

Background reading!

The Podcast is published each Tuesday at 3pm UK time. If being a woman means you can't appreciate line drawings of space guns, we're OK with that.

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