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Breaking Newscast: Sony reluctantly raises PS5 price, but knows it can get away with it

Why now? And will Microsoft follow suit?

Sony has announced a shock price rise for the PlayStation 5, and in a Eurogamer Newscast special, we're here to discuss why the company has pulled this undoubtedly unpopular move - and why it's likely to get away with it.

Will Sony sell fewer PS5s as a result? It seems unlikely. But it's more pressure on PlayStation, which has already had to defend its £70/$70 price point for games - including the upcoming The Last of Us: Part 1 remaster - and just this week announced an expensive-looking new PlayStation 5 controller.

At a time when all of us are looking at our bank balance's bottom line, an extra £30 to buy a PS5 marks not just an unprecedented decision by Sony, but a troubling sign of the times. Will Microsoft now feel emboldened to follow suit, or soak up any extra costs as a point of difference? Tom Phillips, Ed Nightingale, Victoria Kennedy and Ishraq Subhan discuss.

Eurogamer Breaking Newscast: Sony reluctantly raises PS5 price, but knows it can get away with itWatch on YouTube
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