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Eurogamer Supporters can get early entry EGX tickets half price

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When we announced recently that tickets were on sale for this year's EGX show in London in October, some of you had issues applying your Eurogamer Supporters discount when trying to buy them.

I said I'd investigate and I'm here to tell you now that the problem has now been solved. Better yet, a whole new discount has been created and applied - and it's much bigger than before.

Eurogamer Supporters can now get early entry EGX tickets half price, which, if you combine it with the currently running early bird discount (which expires Thursday 22nd June), adds up to a significant saving. But even if you miss the early bird combo, it makes a big difference.

Note, though, that the 50 percent discount only works on early entry tickets. It won't work on day tickets or the four-day ticket. Oh, and early entry means you get into the show at 10am, an hour before everyone else.

Were you there last year? More importantly, did you go to the pub quiz? That host: so handsome, isn't he? What?Watch on YouTube

To get your code, head to the Codes section of your ReedPop/Eurogamer account and look for the "EGX 2023 – 50% off Early Entry" code and then click to claim it. Ignore the EGX 2022 discount code above it.

Once you've got the code, head over to the EGX website and find an early entry ticket for the day you want to attend the show. Then, when you go to buy it, you'll see a big Apply Coupons box. Paste your redeemed discount code into it.

If you have any problems doing this, or questions, let me know in the comments below.

EGX is run by our parent company ReedPop, by the way, hence why we're able to offer Supporters chonky discounts to it. Eurogamer specifically doesn't organise it but we do routinely attend it, so you'll see many of us at EGX, on stage or milling around. Or, as in my case, running slightly out of control pub quizzes. See you there?

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