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Explodemon! release date confirmed

Fuse lit for retro-fabulous PSN platformer.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Downloadable platformer Explodemon! ignites on PlayStation Network from 8th February, developer Curve Studios has announced.

The retro-inspired jumper, which boasts 12 levels and an estimated eight hours of gameplay, will set you back a mere £7.99 / €9.99.

"Influenced by classic Japanese games from the golden era of the SNES," Curve explains, "players use Explodemon's self-destructive nature to combat enemies and fly through the air, all the while solving a huge variety of physics-based puzzles (and, naturally, causing incalculable collateral damage)."

Back when it was first announced, design director Jonathan Biddle claimed the title "is best described as what Treasure would create if they mixed Yoshi's Island with Half Life 2." Jonny-boy, you're speaking our language.

Cast your eyes over the trailer below for a better idea of exactly what the developer - also behind excellent WiiWare effort Hydroventure - is shooting for.

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