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Xbox Games To Watch in 2005

The exclusives, the ports and the multiformat titles to keep an eye on. Come back soon for more 2005 previews. In fact, you might as well stay here. We've got biscuits.
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New Year's Resolutions

We already go to the gym, and last year we lost more weight than the entire congregation of the Church of Atkins, but if any developers are looking for some possible resolutions, here's a few they might consider trying on...
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Reader Reviews

Shin Megami Tensei III, Zoids Legacy, Yoshi's Island, Rise of the Robots and the Nintendo DS give you a pre-Christmas thumb workout.
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Top 50 Games of 2004: 40-31

The next ten games in our countdown of Eurogamer's favourite games of 2004, with more commentary (and back-biting) from Kristan, Tom, Rob, Kieron and Ronan.
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Top 50 Games of 2004: 30-21

We're getting closer to the biggest and bestest games of 2004, and it's safe to say that between them these ones could keep you going until next year's roundup.
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Top 50 Games of 2004: 20-11

Not quite the top ten, but the favourite-but-ten games of 2004 according to our panel. Don't forget to come back tomorrow for our top ten...
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Reader Reviews

Halo 2, F-Zero: GP Legend, Zelda: Minish Cap, Super Mario 64 DS and FIFA 2005 in the last instalment of the year. Give us more for 2005!
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Nintendo DS disassembled

We dissect the hardware side of Nintendo's latest handheld, considering every aspect of the unit premiered in Los Angeles just hours ago...
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Mario DScussion

Given the significance of Super Mario 64 DS, we thought it best not to tie ourselves to one man's opinion. Read the review, then head here for Rob and Tom's reaction to various issues.
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Forza Motorsport

More robust, more accurate, more depth than Gran Turismo 4, says Microsoft's Kiki Wolfkill. That's "Wolfkill". You're not going to argue, are you?
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Reader Reviews

Fire Emblem, Half-Life 2, Eternal Darkness, Bad Boys 2 and Superman 64 of all things step into the firing line.
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Reader Reviews

Far Cry, Unreal Tournament 2004, xSokoban, gaming itself, and Final Fantasy XI all catch your attention as we catch up on the backlog. More submissions please!
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Sid Meier's Interview!

The Firaxis supremo answers our questions about Pirates!, the strategy genre at large, and where the developer plans to head next.
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Reader Reviews

Soldiers: Heroes of World War II, Morrowind GOTY Edition, Wario Ware, Mashed and DRIV3R all get a grilling courtesy of, well, you.