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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor guide

How to win all Fort Condor levels on normal and hard modes.

Polygonal forms of Barret, Cloud and Tifa in the Fort Condor minigame in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Fort Condor is a minigame in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth that you have to win in order to get the Protorelic in Junon.

Although it looks like an easy variation on the tower defence genre, the solutions can be very tricky to work out as you climb Stages. To help you out, our Fort Condor guide for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth details the solutions to every Fort Condor match through Stage 1, Stage 2, Stage 3, and Stage 4. Along with how to win at hard mode in Fort Condor across all four Stages.

For more help on your travels across Gaia, check out our pages on all Chocobo Stops in the Grasslands, how to get and use Moogle Medals, and how to get Golden Plumes.

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FINAL FANTASY VII REBIRTH Destined for Rebirth.Watch on YouTube

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor Stage 1 guide

Hero Units - Cloud and Barret.

Formation - Assault: Offense Focused.

Formation and Hero selection for the Level 1 Fort Condor mingame in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Here's step-by-step instructions on how to win Fort Condor Stage 1 in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth:

  1. Deploy regular Enforcer to the right path.
  2. Deploy Elite Vanguard to the left path.
  3. Deploy trebuchet to the outside of your base, between the two paths.
  4. Placing a trebuchet in the Fort Condor minigame in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
    Place your trebuchet outside of the base in this position. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix
  5. Deploy Elite Ranger behind Enforcer on the right path.
  6. Deploy Cleric to the right of the trebuchet.
  7. Deploy ordinary Vanguard behind Elite Vanguard on the left path.
  8. Deploy Cleric behind Enforcers when they reach the boss.
  9. Deploy another Elite Vanguard at the boss.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor Stage 2 guide

Hero Units - Cloud and Barret.

Formation - Safeguard: Defense Focused.

Formation and Hero selection for the Level 2 Fort Condor mingame in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Here's step-by-step instructions on how to win Fort Condor Stage 2 in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth:

  1. Deploy Elite Enforcer to the right path.
  2. Deploy Cleric behind Elite Enforcer.
  3. Deploy regular Enforcer behind Cleric.
  4. Deploy Elite Vanguard to the left path.
  5. Deploy Cleric behind Elite Vanguard on the left path.
  6. Deploy ballista on the right entrance to your base to block it (doesn't matter if monster gets in).
  7. Deploy regular Enforcer to the right side of your base for when the ballista is destroyed.
  8. Deploy Cleric behind regular Enforcer on the right side of your base.
  9. Deploy Elite Ranger on the left side of your base to kill the monster then help with enemies on the right side.
  10. Deploy Elite Vanguard to the left path.
  11. Deploy regular Enforcer to the left path.
  12. Deploy Cloud on the left path enemies to kill the majority of them.
  13. Deploy Elite Vanguard behind Cloud.
  14. Deploy Elite Ranger behind Cloud.
  15. Deploy regular Ranger behind Elite Ranger.
  16. Deploy Barret at the boss.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor Stage 3 guide

Hero Units - Cloud and Tifa.

Formation - Assault: Offense Focused.

Formation and Hero selection for the Level 3 Fort Condor mingame in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Here's step-by-step instructions on how to win Fort Condor Stage 3 in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth:

  1. Deploy Elite Vanguard to the right path.
  2. Deploy regular Vanguard to the left path.
  3. Deploy trebuchet to the outside of your base, between the two paths.
  4. Deploy Cleric behind Elite Vanguard on the right path.
  5. Deploy Cleric on the left path.
  6. Deploy regular Vanguard on the right path.
  7. Deploy regular Enforcer by the monster if it gets into your base, or on the right path if it doesn't.
  8. Deploy trebuchet on the left entrance to block it.
  9. Deploy regular Vanguard on the right path.
  10. Deploy Cleric on the right path.
  11. Deploy regular Ranger on the right path.
  12. Deploy regular Ranger to the left side of your base.
  13. Deploy regular Enforcer to the left side of your base.
  14. Deploy regular Enforcer to right side of your base.
  15. Deploy regular Enforcer to the left side of your base.
  16. Deploy Cloud on left side enemies to kill all of them.
  17. Deploy regular Enforcer in your base to hold off the enemies attacking it.
  18. Deploy Vanguard on the left path.
  19. Deploy regular Ranger inside your base.
  20. Deploy Tifa at the boss as soon as you can.
  21. Deploy Vanguard at the boss.

The trick to winning this Stage for us came down to using the trebuchet at the beginning to take half of the boss's health off, then unleashing Tifa right at the end to finish him off very quickly. It takes a while, and we only had ten seconds left, but it worked!

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor Stage 4 guide

Hero Units - Cloud and Tifa.

Formation - Assault: Offense Focused.

Formation and Hero selection for the Level 4 Fort Condor mingame in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Here's step-by-step instructions on how to win Fort Condor Stage 4 in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth:

  1. Deploy regular Enforcer to the right path.
  2. Deploy Cleric behind the regular Enforcer.
  3. Deploy trebuchet to the outside of your base, between the two paths.
  4. Deploy regular Ranger to the left path.
  5. Deploy another regular Ranger to the left path.
  6. Deploy regular Ranger behind the Cleric on the right path.
  7. Deploy another trebuchet to the left of the one in the middle outside of the base.
  8. Deploy a regular Ranger on the left path.
  9. Deploy a regular Enforcer on the right path.
  10. Deploy a regular Vanguard on the left path.
  11. Deploy a regular Enforcer on the right path.
  12. Deploy another Regular Enforcer on the right path.
  13. Deploy a regular Vanguard on the left path.
  14. Deploy Cloud on the right path to kill the majority of the enemies (don't let them get into your base).
  15. Deploy a regular Vanguard on the left path.
  16. Deploy a regular Vanguard to attack the incoming monster on the left path.
  17. Deploy another regular Vanguard on the left path.
  18. Deploy Tifa at the boss
  19. Keep deploying what the boss is weak to if you need to finish it off.

This is a very tricky fight, and once again, the trebuchets are doing the majority of the work. So, you really have to protect the trebuchets at the beginning by holding off enemy forces so it can take off two thirds of the boss' health. Then, it's all about making your way up to the boss at the end, using any Hero units you have left, and deploying whatever the boss is weak to. This changes all the time, so we had to deploy blue Enforcers to attack its red Vanguard weakness in our successful attempt, but it could be different for you by the time your units reach the boss.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor Stage 1 hard mode guide

Hero Units - Barret and Tifa.

Formation - Entrench: Stronghold Defense Focused.

Formation and Hero selection for the Level 1 hard mode Fort Condor mingame in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Here's step-by-step instructions on how to win Fort Condor Stage 1 hard mode in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth:

  1. Deploy regular Enforcer to the right path.
  2. Deploy Cleric behind the regular Enforcer.
  3. Deploy trebuchet to the outside of your base, between the two paths.
  4. Deploy Ranger to the left path.
  5. Deploy Cleric behind Ranger on the left path.
  6. Deploy ballista on the left path to block the entrance.
  7. Deploy regular Vanguard on the right path to protect the trebuchet.
  8. Deploy another regular Vanguard on the right path to protect the trebuchet.
  9. Deploy a regular Ranger to the left path, behind the ballista.
  10. Deploy another regular Ranger to the left path, behind the other ranger.
  11. Deploy a regular Vanguard on the right path.
  12. Deploy a regular Ranger on the left path.
  13. Deploy a regular Enforcer on the left path.
  14. Deploy Barret on the right path.
  15. Deploy a regular Enforcer on the right path.
  16. Deploy a regular Vanguard on the left path inside your base.
  17. Deploy Tifa on the left path inside your base to kill all of the enemies.
  18. Deploy a regular Enforcer on the right path.
  19. Deploy trebuchet to the outside of your base, between the two paths.
  20. Protect the trebuchet until the boss is dead.

Although it doesn't look like Barret is doing much on the right side, it's important he holds off enemies here with a little help from some regular units, so your base doesn't get invaded and you can place that final trebuchet at the end to clinch the win. Deploying Tifa at the correct time is also very important, as you need to clear that clump of enemies from your base to place the trebuchet and advance up that left path towards the boss at the end.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor Stage 2 hard mode guide

Hero Units - Barret and Tifa.

Formation - Balanced: Offense and Defense Focused.

Formation and Hero selection for the Level 2 hard mode Fort Condor mingame in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Here's step-by-step instructions on how to win Fort Condor Stage 2 hard mode in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth:

  1. Deploy Elite Enforcer to the right path.
  2. Deploy Cleric behind the Elite Enforcer.
  3. Deploy regular Vanguard on the right path.
  4. Deploy regular Ranger on the right path.
  5. Deploy Elite Vanguard at the monster's location on the right path.
  6. Deploy Cleric on the right side of the base.
  7. Deploy Elite Ranger on the left path.
  8. Deploy regular Ranger in front of Elite Ranger on the left path.
  9. Deploy regular Ranger on the left path.
  10. Deploy Barret to the right path.
  11. Deploy regular Vanguard on the left path.
  12. Deploy regular Vanguard on the left path.
  13. Deploy Tifa on the left path to kill the majority of the enemies.
  14. Deploy regular Enforcer on the right path.
  15. Deploy regular Enforcer on the right path.
  16. Keep deploying regular troops until the boss dies.

For Stage 3, it's time to rest the trebuchets and use smart Hero and Elite troop deployment to win. Making a steady advance up both paths and holding enemies out of your base are musts for getting to the boss in time so you can finish it off before time runs out.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor Stage 3 hard mode guide

Hero Units - Barret and Tifa.

Formation - Assault: Offense Focused.

Formation and Hero selection for the Level 3 hard mode Fort Condor mingame in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Here's step-by-step instructions on how to win Fort Condor Stage 3 hard mode in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth:

  1. Deploy Elite Vanguard to the right path.
  2. Deploy Cleric behind Elite Vanguard on the right path.
  3. Deploy regular Vanguard on the left side of the base (it will meet the enemy at a better time).
  4. Deploy Cleric behind the Vanguard on the left side.
  5. Deploy trebuchet to the outside of your base, between the two paths.
  6. Deploy another trebuchet close to the left side of the other trebuchet.
  7. Deploy an Elite Ranger on the middle-left side of the base.
  8. Deploy a Cleric in the middle-right side of the base.
  9. Deploy another Elite Ranger on the left entrance of your base.
  10. Deploy a regular Vanguard at the enemy in your base's location, on the right side.
  11. Deploy another regular Vanguard at the same location.
  12. Deploy Tifa on the flying monster's location on the right path to kill it.
  13. Deploy a regular Enforcer on the left path.
  14. Deploy another regular Enforcer on the left path.
  15. Deploy an Elite Vanguard on the left path.
  16. Deploy a regular Enforcer on the left path.
  17. Deploy a trebuchet on the left entrance inside your base.
  18. Deploy an Elite Ranger behind the monster.
  19. Deploy Barret in the middle of the field so he attacks and kills the boss.

It's another tight win, but trebuchets and Barret's Hero abilities are all you need to beat the boss. Everything else is just clearing enemies for the final placement of Barret's essential shot at the end.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor Stage 4 hard mode guide

Hero Units - Cloud and Barret.

Formation - Assault: Offense Focused.

Fort Condor menu choosing Cloud and Barret with an offense focus for Stage 4 Hard mode in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Here's step-by-step instructions on how to win Fort Condor Stage 4 hard mode in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth:

  1. Deploy Elite Ranger on the right path.
  2. Deploy Cleric behind the Elite Ranger.
  3. Deploy Enforcer on the right path.
  4. Deploy another Enforcer on the right path.
  5. Deploy a Cleric inside the middle of your base.
  6. Deploy another Cleric on the right path.
  7. Deploy a regular Vanguard on the left path.
  8. Deploy a regular Enforcer on the right path.
  9. Deploy another regular Enforcer on the right path.
  10. Deploy Cloud on the right path to kill the majority of the enemies (don't let them get into your base).
  11. Deploy trebuchet to the outside of your base, between the two paths.
  12. Deploy a regular Vanguard to the right of the Trebuchet.
  13. Deploy another trebuchet to the left of the first.
  14. Deploy a regular Enforcer on the right path.
  15. Deploy an Elite Ranger to the right of the right-hand trebuchet.
  16. Deploy another trebuchet to the right of the right-hand trebuchet.
  17. Deploy an Elite Ranger on the right path.
  18. Deploy Barret on the right path (to attack the boss)
  19. Keep deploying units the boss is weak to at the boss until it's dead.

Once again, trebuchets are your best friend here, along with keeping Cloud and Barret alive at the end so they can quickly defeat the boss with your army of Elites and regulars. Just make sure your base doesn't get invaded near the end or before the trebuchet placement, or you won't be able to take out the boss in time.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor rules explained

Fort Condor is a board game in the world of Final Fantasy 7 that Cloud, Tifa, and Barret have somehow been sucked into. The trio are transformed into polygonal versions of themselves, reminiscent of their character designs from the original game (only a lot more polished and adorable). Fort Condor in this particular form made its first appearance in the Intergrade DLC for Final Fantasy 7 Remake, but a few adjustments have been made for the sequel.

The basics

Your goal in Fort Condor is to destroy the enemy's boss unit within the time limit without having your own base destroyed. The two small Outposts at your base can be destroyed, but it's your Headquarters in the middle that are the most important, as losing it results in a defeat. The same is true for your opponent, meaning you don't have to destroy both of their Outposts to win - just the boss unit in the middle.

Every Stage of Fort Condor has a different boss, each with their own unique set of tactics. Some throw projectiles, others have powerful melee attacks, and one can even change its weakness on the fly.

Boss for Level 3 of Fort Condor in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Ally and Enemy troops

Which brings us to explaining the main part of playing Fort Condor. To defeat the enemy's boss unit, you have to deploy Condor Troops, each with their own different types: red is Vanguard, green is Ranged, and blue is Defence. Your opponent also deploys their own Shinra Troops with the same types. So, to get to the boss, you need to deploy troops who are strong against the enemies' troops to cut through their forces (more on strength types further down). To help you plan, you can see what Shinra Troops are about to be deployed by checking the track on the right-hand side of the screen.

Arrow pointing to the enemy track showing who is coming next in Fort Condor minigame of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
This track shows what path the enemies are coming down, and what type they are. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Clerics have no type, but they heal surrounding allies while they cast ranged attacks. There are also ballistas and trebuchets you can place. Ballistas can block enemies getting into your base while damaging them, and trebuchets perform a ranged attack from wherever they are placed. Ballistas and trebuchets can also act as distractions, as enemies tend to go for them over entering your base if they're close enough.

There's an ATB cost to deploy your troops, which fills over time. Clerics cost one bar, Elite Ally Units cost three bars, and ordinary troops, ballistas, and trebuchets cost 2 bars. A unit's ATB cost can be seen by checking the blue number on your party bar to the left of the screen while in a match.

You can only place troops as far as the closest enemy is to your base. So, if one of your troops is attacking the boss, but an enemy has got into your base, you will only be able to deploy a new unit from where that enemy is at your base. The translucent line on the ground indicates the limit of where you can currently deploy your next unit.

Lastly, keep in mind that not all of your troops are limitless. You can only deploy a certain amount of the same type of units before they run out (unless your formation grants an infinite amount). You can see how many you have left by checking the white number on your party bar to the left of the screen while in a match.

Arrows showing the ATB cost and how many units are left to deploy in the Fort Condor minigame in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
The blue number is the ATB cost, and the white number is how many of that unit are left (∞ means they are infinite). | Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Enemy type chart

Strengths and weaknesses follow a simple rock, paper, scissors ruleset, with the Fort Condor enemy type chart being:

  • Defence (blue) is weak to Ranged (green).
  • Ranged (green) is weak to Vanguard (red).
  • Vanguard (red) is weak to Defence (blue).

Here's a picture of the Fort Condor enemy type chart if you prefer to see it that way:

Fort Condor type chart for strengths and weaknesses in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

You can also check the top right-hand corner of the screen during the match to see the type chart.

Hero Units

On top of these ordinary Ally Units, there are three Hero Units: Cloud, Tifa, and Barret. Cloud is a Defence unit, Tifa is a Vanguard unit, and Barret is a Ranged unit. They can't be deployed by spending ATB bars, instead, they have their own bars that fill when you deploy troops of the same type. For example, Cloud's bar fills when you deploy enough blue Defence units.

When their bar is filled, press L1 to select your Hero Unit then deploy them to the field. When deployed, your Hero Unit will instantly perform a big Limit Break-like attack, causing a lot of their damage type to any enemy troops caught in its blast.

You can cycle through Hero Units by pressing L1/R1 in the planning menu.

Selecting Barret as a Hero unit in Fort Condor minigame in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix


The real trick to winning Fort Condor is ensuring you go in with the correct formation. Formations are a different loadout of troops designed for different tactics that you get to pick before every match. For example, an Offence and Defence formation provides you with every type of ordinary Ally Unit, all Elites, and two Clerics - but at the cost of giving up trebuchets and ballistas. A Stronghold Defence formation on the other hand only gives you an ordinary defence ally, along with Elite Ranged, Vanguard, and Defence troops - but you get three clerics and unlimited trebuchets and ballistas.

You can cycle through formations by pressing L2/R2 in the planning menu.

Formation and Hero selection for Fort Condor mingame in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
You can select any unit while editing formations to get more details on what their roles are. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

Below, we have every solution you can use to win all Stages of Fort Condor, but do keep in mind that this is just what worked for us. There are multiple solutions, and some might clinch the win for you sooner than what we've detailed below.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Fort Condor rewards

As the Fort Condor minigame is part of the Protorelic quest in Junon, your only reward is the Protorelic itself, which activates another mysterious cutscene featuring the eccentric swordsman.

The eccentric swordsman looking down at Cloud in a Protorelic vision in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Image credit: Eurogamer/Square Enix

As for hard mode spoils, unless there's some hidden unlockable we're yet to come across, we're sorry to say that past the fun you have playing it, there is no reward for completing Fort Condor on hard mode. Maybe the reward was the polygonal friends we made along the way?

We'll update this page if we do come across a Fort Condor reward not related to friendship.

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