Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Protorelic locations
Where to find and how to unlock all Protorelics in FF7 Rebirth.
The mysterious Protorelic in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is scattered in pieces across seven regions, but you also have to acquire every Summon if you want to collect all pieces and finish the quest.
It's a lengthy undertaking, so to help you plan ahead, we've got all Protorelic locations in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth detailed below, along with exactly how to unlock all Protorelics. This includes the Corel, Gongaga, Cosmo Canyon, and Nibel Protorelic locations.
Please note that the explainer section at the bottom contains spoilers for what happens at the end of the Protorelic quest!
For more help on your travels across Gaia, check out our pages on how to romance Tifa, all Piano Sheet locations, and our ending explainer.
On this page:
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Grasslands Protorelic location
The first Protorelic quest chain - also called Phenomenon Intel - is started in the Grasslands area, and is located on the northeastern tip, north of Titan Sanctuary A. Continue with the story in the Grasslands during Chapter 2 to mark its location on your map.
![Map location of the Grasslands Protorelic in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.](
As with all Protorelics, the Grasslands Protorelic quest has four stages, with each new stage marked on your map after you complete the last one. If you need help during the fourth and final quest, we have a page on how to wake up the dead businessmen.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Junon Protorelic location
The Junon Protorelic is located on the southern tip, south of the Mythril Mine, between two Remnawave Towers and east of a Junon Chocobo Stop.
![Map location of the Junon Protorelic in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.](
To unlock this first Junon Protorelic quest we had to activate the Seabreeze Remnawave Tower by the Chocobo Ranch, but you might be able to activate any Remnawave Tower in Junon to pin the location on your map.
If you need help completing the Junon Protorelic quest, check out our Fort Condor guide.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Corel Protorelic location
The Corel Protorelic quest takes a while to complete, as you only unlock its first location after travelling to the southern section of Corel in Chapter 9, after your first trip to the Gold Saucer. Then, you need to wait until the end of Chapter 12 in order to complete the final two parts of the quest.
If you're just starting out, you can find the first Corel Protorelic location in the northwestern corner of the southern section of Corel, just below the Gold Saucer.
![Map location of the Corel Protorelic in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.](
We had to activate the nearby Wasteland Remnawave Tower to pin the location of the Protorelic to the map, but you might be able to activate any Remnawave Tower in this southern part of Corel to get the location marked on your map.
Remember, you have to wait until the end of Chapter 12 to unlock the final two parts of the Corel Protorelic quest, but don't worry, you can complete other Protorelic quests in other regions while you wait.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Gongaga Protorelic location
The Gongaga Protorelic is located all the way in the south of Gongaga, directly south of Gongaga village and west of the reactor you visit as part of the story. It's just below the Mogstool, and close to the photo opportunity location.
![Map location of the Gongaga Protorelic in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.](
Once again, the first Remnawave Tower we activated - Midriver Isle - pinned the Gongaga Protorelic's first quest location on our map. Any other Gongaga Remnawave Tower might do this for you, however.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Cosmo Canyon Protorelic location
The Cosmo Canyon Protorelic is located in the southwestern area of Cosmo Canyon, southeast of the Crimson Earth Remnawave Tower and scenic photo location.
![Map location of the Cosmo Canyon Protorelic in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.](
To unlock the Cosmo Canyon Protorelic quest, you have to continue the story in Chapter 10, so it's not available from the start of your exploration in the canyon.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Nibel Protorelic location
The Nibel Protorelic is located right beside the Gull Bridge Remnawave Tower in the northern area of Nibel, directly east of the airstrip, and just northwest of a Mogstool.
![Map location of the Nibel Protorelic in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.](
You have to continue the story in Chapter 11 to unlock the Nibelheim Protorelic's location on your map.
The Nibel Protorelic quest is the last one you can do out of order, as you need to complete every Protorelic quest up until Nibel in order to unlock the final Protorelic location.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Meridian Ocean Protorelic location
The final Protorelic is located in the Meridian Ocean area, which is unlocked at the start of Chapter 12. It's located between Costa Del Sol and Junon as you're moving north.
![Map location of the Meridian Ocean Protorelic in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.](
However, to unlock the final Protorelic locations in Meridian Ocean, you have to start Chapter 13, complete all other Protorelic quests, acquire all Summons, and find all of their Summon Shrines. Only then will you be able to start the final Protorelic quest. Keep reading below for more information on this final Protorelic challenge…
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth Protorelic explained
Stop reading now if you don't want to be spoiled!
There are six regular Protorelic quest chains in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and once you complete them, and acquire every Summon at full strength, you are able to take on the last two Protorelic challenges: battling all Summons, then Gilgamesh. This means you need to get Titan, Phoenix, Alexander, Kujata, Bahamut Arisen, and Odin in the Combat Simulator, and find all of their Summon Shrines on top of completing every other Protorelic quest.
This is a huge undertaking, so make sure you're prepared for the battles ahead. It's also worth noting that the Summons before Gilgamesh are battled in pairs: Titan and Bahamut Arisen, Phoenix and Kujata, then Alexander and Odin.
When going up against Gilgamesh in the final fight, we recommend bringing Fire and Bio Materia to exploit its elemental weaknesses.
![The eccentric swordsman looking down at Cloud in a Protorelic vision in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.](
Good luck completing the Protorelic quest in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth!