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Five of the Best: Offices

Lift off.

A masculine-looking character, viewed from behind, hunched over a computer in a dark, grey office.
Image credit: Eurogamer / Galactic Cafe

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I've been thinking a lot about offices recently because our one is going to close. Sad face. The place Gamer Network has called home in Brighton for many years now - I can't remember how many - will be no more as of the end of the month. And I'll miss it. I'll miss the ferocious air conditioning, but I'll mostly miss being in a space tailored around us. The toilets here are named after Quake 2 levels, for example - not many people know that. It's because Eurogamer grew out of the Quake 2 community 25 years ago; Rupert Loman, the original founder of the site, was a keen Quake 2 player. It means we've got toilet cubicles nicknamed "The Pits" and "The Slimy Place", which makes me laugh. This place represents us and I'll be sorry to see that go.

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