Fortnite Flying Disc Catch: How to throw the Flying Disc Toy and catch it before it lands
How to throw - and catch - the Flying Disc Toy in Fortnite.
Throwing the Flying Disc Toy and catching it again is one of Fortnite's many challenges.
Like toy-based challenges from previous years - from playing golf to the bouncy ball - it involves you using the Toy in a unique way.
Note this particular challenge is no longer able to be completed. What's new? Chapter 4 Season 2 has arrived! New additions include the Grind Rails and Kinetic Blades, along with the new Battle Pass, character collection and Eren Jaeger skin. It's a good idea to know how to get XP fast in Fortnite.
How to get the Flying Disc Toy in Fortnite
As with every season, there is a Toy to unlock and keep as part of playing through the Battle Pass.
In Season 9, this is the Flying Disc Toy. To unlock the Flying Disc Toy, you have to reach Tier 35 of the Battle Pass.
There's another Flying Disc Toy you can unlock much later on at Tier 68, and either is fine to help you complete this challenge.
Once you have access to a Flying Disc, equip it in your Locker - it's in the Emotes slot - then enter a match.
How to throw the Flying Disc Toy and catch it before it lands in Fortnite
The challenge involves you throwing the Flying Disc Toy and then catching it before it lands.
The key to this is not throwing it away from you, as conventional frisbee convention suggests, but up in the air.
Doing so means it will visible and within running distance for you to then catch it when it falls to earth.
Catching is simply a case of running into the Flying Disc before it hits the ground. Do this correctly and a fanfare will play, indicating that it's been successful.
Here's a video from Amazing Ali on YouTube showing how it's done:
Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1 is here! It brings a free Lego Insider skin and redemption codes with it, along with a new Victory Umbrella. We've also got pages on new features like Medallions, Weapon Mods, and how to complete a Train Heist. Meanwhile, learn what the best weapons are in the current season, how to get XP fast, and what the best PC settings are to help earn a Victory Crown.
Perhaps the hardest part is doing this without attracting the attention of other players. If you can, do this in a team-based mode - Team Rumble is a good bet - to minimise the number of enemies that could shoot you mid-attempt.
Remember you have the end of the season to complete this, so you have a number of weeks to tick this off the list.