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Game of the Week: Echoes of Wisdom might play in ALTTP's sandpit, but discovering its subtle connections is still pretty magic

Between worlds.

Zelda walks through a church sanctuary in Echoes of Wisdom
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Within minutes of starting Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, you already feel like you're at the end of your adventure. As Link reaches the last part of the dungeon trail, Zelda is already on the scene, captured inside a crystal, and Ganon himself is there as well, ready and raring to go for a climatic showdown. As fans of the series will no doubt realise, this particular Ganon is the very same one from A Link to the Past - the piglord in blue with his large, natty trident. A neat touch, I thought at the time when I was playing the game for review, but it took me much, much longer to realise just how deeply its ties to A Link to the Past really went - and I love just how unsubtle it is about it, too.

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