News A chat about the power of the Wii U with the developer of a Wii U launch title Dynasty Warriors chief reveals impact of weaker CPU. Sept. 21, 2012 Wesley Yin-Poole 132 comments
News One Piece Musou a PS3 exclusive Namco Bandai x Tecmo Koei revealed. Sept. 2, 2011 Wesley Yin-Poole 11 comments
News Tecmo plans Project Café launch titles Plus, announces 415% profit surge. June 6, 2011 Fred Dutton 7 comments
Face-off Digital Foundry | Xbox 360 vs. PlayStation 3: Round 30 SHIFT 2, LEGO Clone Wars, Top Spin 4, Red Faction: Battlegrounds, MotoGP 10/11. April 9, 2011 Richard Leadbetter 62 comments
News Out This Week - 08/04/2011 Duke Nukem! Dynasty Warriors 7! April 4, 2011 Robert Purchese 14 comments
News A chat about the power of the Wii U with the developer of a Wii U launch title Dynasty Warriors chief reveals impact of weaker CPU. Sept. 21, 2012 Wesley Yin-Poole 132 comments
News One Piece Musou a PS3 exclusive Namco Bandai x Tecmo Koei revealed. Sept. 2, 2011 Wesley Yin-Poole 11 comments
News Tecmo plans Project Café launch titles Plus, announces 415% profit surge. June 6, 2011 Fred Dutton 7 comments
News Out This Week - 08/04/2011 Duke Nukem! Dynasty Warriors 7! April 4, 2011 Robert Purchese 14 comments