Rage Feed
Rage 2 confirmed via leaked teaser
UPDATE: Just Cause and Mad Max dev Avalanche is behind the wheel.
Despite all their Rage, Bethesda tweet puts Walmart in a cage
Then someone will say what is leaked can never be saved.
id Software's first attempt at Doom 4 "didn't have a personality"
"All hands on deck" for new incarnation.
Carmack says next generation is "anyone's game"
Praises Sony, doesn't like Kinect, appalled that people are targeting 30fps not 60, says digital future is inevitable.
iD releases the Rage toolkit on Steam
A 35+ GB file geared towards the "technically sophisticated and adventurous."
Rage's The Scorchers DLC drops next week
Six new areas, a harder difficulty mode and you can play after the ending.
Rage mod tools "real soon now", a frustrated Carmack says
"I think we have made poor decisions on this all year."
Steam Summer Sale day 5: The battle of willpower rages on with Rage
Assassin's Creed: Revelations, Metro and Humble Indie Bundle 5.
Bethesda still intends for Rage to be a big franchise
But remains quiet on Doom 4, Prey 2 and Wii U.
Saturday Soapbox: Bring On The Next Generation
Before the games industry really loses it mojo.
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