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Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare multiplayer reveal

It's done! The live report from today's event in Cologne.

It's over! Activision and Sledgehammer have unveiled the hyper-paced multiplayer for Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare, and you can either relive it in all its glory here or - and this is my advice - read Wes's impressions of how it all hangs together.

Our live coverage of this event has finished.

Hieronymus: All these food puns and references covering Gamescom are the würst thing I have read all day.

But I haven't said a sausage.

Martin Robinson

Gooooooooooooooooooooooooooood afternoon Eurogamer. We're a few hours away from this evening's event kicking off, but that's no reason not to sit here and oscillate in excitement at what's to come.

Martin Robinson

Alright, so we've a fair idea of what's to come - a peek at a new Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare trailer as well as the reveal of its multiplayer. WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ALREADY KNEW THE NEW CALL OF DUTY HAS MULTIPLAYER?

Martin Robinson

We may even get an appearance from famous Hollywood man Kevin Spacey!

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

Will Colin return?

Martin Robinson

Or is Sledgehammer about to take Infinity Ward's pioneering work to the next level?

Martin Robinson

Martin Robinson

And how many hours will pass before I tire of looking up pictures of cats with guns?

Martin Robinson

One hour to go. ONE HOUR TO GO. I'm ringing a klaxon here at my desk. Well, pinging a bike bell at least.

Martin Robinson

zetarxenil1: Is there any way to watch this on fullscreen? Can't find this option anywhere

We've only got the feed supplied by Activision, where it seems there's no option to go full-screen. Sorry!

Martin Robinson

We have acting man Mr. Spacey in our live stream now, which at least proves the stream works and we haven't just been hosting a still image for the past four hours.

Martin Robinson

I was getting quite attached to that image, mind.

Martin Robinson

25 minutes to go - so how many times can they loop the existing trailers?

Martin Robinson

Sammoore: Uh, Martin: there's a post coming up with you saying '25 minutes to go' timestamped at about 12 minutes to go. Either there's some immense lag at some point or you've paused and resumed the stream without noticing.

I was posting from the past. Also my stream had timed out - I am now back on your timeline.

Martin Robinson

Glen Schofield - the most hench man in gaming? He wouldn't look out of place in a Gears of War game.

Martin Robinson

One minute klaxon! Sixty second bike bell!

Martin Robinson

And we're live, with the slightly unnerving Major Nelson and the lovely Graeme Boyd.

Martin Robinson

This event's community focussed - and we're about to see a selection of that community now.

Martin Robinson

Press had a look at the game earlier on, and are under embargo.

Martin Robinson

That includes us - Wesley Yin-Poole saw the game earlier, and will be giving you in-depth impressions at 7pm BST.

Martin Robinson

(I've read them myself, so I'm going to have to pretend a lot of this stuff is a surprise)

Martin Robinson

We're getting some lovely close-ups of the tightly packed wraps that are served up at events like this.

Martin Robinson

A little too much mayo for my liking in them.

Martin Robinson

Sammoore: Can you give us any hints?

I don't think I can. Obviously it's not the only multiplayer with exoskeletons to come out this year, so I'd expect similarities there.

Martin Robinson

And we're properly, properly go now.

Martin Robinson

Eric Hamburglar is leading the show.

Martin Robinson

The most handsome of the execs. He just *belongs* in a Porsche rolling around LA.

Martin Robinson

Ror: Master volume's all the way up, I just have no audio from this stream - either here or on the official site.

Sorry for the issues - it's little consolation, but the audio is fine here so the problem seems to be isolated.

Martin Robinson

We're into a hearty chunk of multiplayer now, which is very, very fast-paced.

Martin Robinson

Players have access to host of augmentations - so there's sped-up strafing, double jumps and a clock or two to keep things interesting.

Martin Robinson

Oh, and jetpacks.

Martin Robinson

After that fairly breathless look, Sledgehammer take the stage.

Martin Robinson

I think you probably have to be there to appreciate this moment. Because from a stream it all seems a bit stilted. Anyway, as the video showed, the Exo suit transforms movement.

Martin Robinson

Dodging and boosting are part of the player's vocabulary.

Martin Robinson

Boost-jump, dash, slam and dodge all new moves.

Martin Robinson

Obviously, this impacts map design. I guess there'll be a lot more verticality.

Martin Robinson

robcad: Will the exo skeleton be available to all or just those who have earned it?

It's not really been made clear, but I imagine it's part of the basic moveset.

Martin Robinson

MothFlesh: They really should have Kevin Spacey Bots for the MP demonstration.

10/10 would play for sure.

Martin Robinson

It does all look mightily like Titanfall without Titans, as several of you have pointed out. There does seem to be a more complex lattice of abilities, though.

Martin Robinson

There's a new reward system called Supply Drops. It's like loot drops, essentially, complete with rare item drops.

Martin Robinson

slowdog1976: this franchise is losing its identity rapidly. i'm watching this and seeing a handful of different games fooling around together under a cod duvet..

Sounds kind of sexy. I like how Diablo's got in there as well.

Martin Robinson

Pick 13 is a new approach to loadouts that seems to add a little more balance into the mix.

Martin Robinson

hazzatori: How come all the tweets are positive? hmmmm.....

They're hardly going to stream to the world the death threats they're doubtless getting from angry children.

Martin Robinson

robcad: #Mothflesh or a badger glove that shoots ostrich eggs!

I have no idea what you're on about. But I like it.

Martin Robinson

Co-op streaks allows you to bring a friend along with you when you're on a good run.

Martin Robinson

JiveHound: I hate to be that guy but the graphics are on the modest side.

It looks like a huge improvement over Ghosts - but you can only tell so much from a stream.

Martin Robinson

There's now a firing range that allows you to test your load-outs/perks/arsenal.

Martin Robinson

It looks a bit like the VR Missions from MGS, and that of course is a good thing.

Martin Robinson

Rob_Nomad: Guys i'm still not on the pessimistic side. i've played cod for some years now and i'm still having fun (with ghosts too). i only need good maps and mechanics that aren't overpowered over the others :)

Yay for some positivity - I too quite like what we're seeing.

Martin Robinson

In between matches you can now examine other players and their loadouts.

Martin Robinson

Now on to map design.

Martin Robinson

We're getting treated to four maps tonight.

Martin Robinson

Which suggests this is going all the way to 7pm and my dinner's going to have to wait )-:

Martin Robinson

Maps seem very much to be built around the boost jump.

Martin Robinson

chasejamie: V e r t i c a l i t y

I see what you did there...

Martin Robinson

Game modes are also built around V E R T I C A L I T Y.

Martin Robinson

Hardpoint returns.

Martin Robinson

And Uplink is a new mode.

Martin Robinson

Uplink looks like a noisy netball, with you passing a satellite between players.

Martin Robinson

Avaloner: Horizontality always gets the short end of the stick


Martin Robinson

There's one final announcement to come as Glen and Michael leave the stage.

Martin Robinson

If you pre-order the game, you get it one day earlier.

Martin Robinson

And the initiative is called Day Zero.

Martin Robinson

You'll get double XP on that day, too - and this is available across all platforms.

Martin Robinson

And with that we wrap. Join us tomorrow for a bit more meat to get stuck into, with Microsoft kicking things off at 1pm.

Martin Robinson

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