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Gamescom 2019 Opening Night live report

Geoff and Koj, sitting in a tree, showing us gameplay of Death Strand-i-n-g.

Well, that was long. But we did get to see Death Stranding gameplay - it's weird - and a bevvy of announcements. Here's eveyrthing as it happened.

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Our live coverage of this event has finished.

And with that, welcome to the last show of the night!

Martin Robinson

Wow I go to the fridge to get a beer and I come back to you all talking about Fred Harris and Andi Peters.

Martin Robinson

I really love you lot.

Martin Robinson

For this - and for Geoff - I have relocated to my shed. Let's make magic happen.

Martin Robinson

So, what to expect?

Martin Robinson

Well, after the Stadia shit show, let's go in expecting absolutely nothing and then reel in wonderment as they manage to limbo under those low, low expectations.

Martin Robinson

riceNpea: I even miss Cybernet. I wasn't total shit. But I really miss Digitiser.

Every morning, I mentally type in page 370 in the great Teletext index in my head and try to go back to those better days.

Martin Robinson

Update - the internet in the shed wasn't good enough for 1080p Geoff, which is my own personal minimum requirement. So I'm back in the living room.

Martin Robinson

And here he is!

Martin Robinson

He's all dressed up and everything.

Martin Robinson

He looks like he's about to bowl into a stand-up routine.

Martin Robinson

Peter Kay-esque. "'ooo 'ere remembers the Spectrum? What were that about?"

Martin Robinson

Rodd, fresh from Inside Xbox, is here on stage. No outfit change, but that's understandable.

Martin Robinson

A new campaign trailer. And already I feel this is delivering more than the past three hours have.

Martin Robinson

It looks well nice. Especially now my stream is working and it's giving me sweet 60fps.

Martin Robinson

Zero lag or stuttering. Google, take note.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

I want to be in the smelly dark basement of my parent's place in Oregon smoking the cheapest weed, drinking Pabst and playing this right now.

Martin Robinson

4K/60fps on X - was that not the case with Gears 4?

Martin Robinson

INSOMANiAC: I'll bet non of you remember CyberZone with Craig Charles. An utterly awful VR thing in the 90's that ran for one series on BBC2. Even Youtube doesnt want to remember it, theres one clip.

I remember...

Martin Robinson

Most days I wish I didn't.

Martin Robinson

Kiliko: Would love to be arsed about Gears but there's just something so bland about it all

I just love the out and out chunk of it all. It's like smashing together big toys and makes me feel like an angry toddler. Well, more like an angry toddler than I usually feel.

Martin Robinson

Gears is out sooooooon. September 10th, fyi.

Martin Robinson

Gears 5 wins award for best Xbox game at Gamescom. I'm not sure what other Xbox games it was up against, but still well done.

Martin Robinson

Some brand new things!

Martin Robinson

It looks like Disintegration, the new shooter from ex-Bungie lad Marcus Lehto.

Martin Robinson

Oooh, a new Comanche. Well, that is a surprise.

Martin Robinson

I'll take that.

Martin Robinson

People diss Geoff, but compared to what's preceded him he's got a easy, relaxed vibe that's helping this flow.

Martin Robinson

First gameplay of Comanche - it's going into early access next year.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Dear reader, they did not keep the voxels.

Martin Robinson

Nukklear is the dev, THQ Nordic is the publisher, PC is the platform. AND COMANCHE IS THE GAME!

Martin Robinson

And here's some more drones, and one of those amazing moments when the camera doesn't cut away quickly enough and the smile on Geoff's face begins to crack.

Martin Robinson

This is what I live for. This is live video games.

Martin Robinson

Need for Speed Sheeeeeeiiiiit.

Martin Robinson

I just thought of that joke just now well done me.

Martin Robinson

Here's our first look at gameplay of NFS Heat.

Martin Robinson

I wish I could be more excited, but it's really not the Fast and Furious game it should be.

Martin Robinson

I wish Slightly Mad Studios would hurry up with their own Fast and Furious game, if it's still happening.

Martin Robinson

There's a day/night mechanic, with the police more aggressive at night. It could be good. It should be good. Will it be good? I don't know.

Martin Robinson

Nice customisation options, too - they've gone to town with an R8 and it looks suitably disgusting.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

This really, really should be amazing. No Supra no sale though.

Martin Robinson

And NFS Heat, which lets you build a ride on your phone, is now on Android.

Martin Robinson

Here's a new first. Geoff does know how to put these things together, doesn't he?

Martin Robinson

It's a Private Division game - and it has space.

Martin Robinson

And M83, because the people who make these trailers still think it's 2011.

Martin Robinson

It's Kerbal!

Martin Robinson

The sequel, coming next year. And here's another announcement.

Martin Robinson

Geoff! Stop it! You're making me blush!

Martin Robinson

It looks a lot like Little Nightmares 2.

Martin Robinson

Probably because it is Little Nightmares 2, from the brilliant Tarsier Studios once again.

Martin Robinson

Another 2020 game, coming to Xbox, PlayStation and Switch. And PC.

Martin Robinson

Is that it for the announcements?

Martin Robinson

Oh, we've also got a new look at Death Stranding coming too.

Martin Robinson

Media Molecule gets an award!

Martin Robinson

Geoff loves his awards. Couldn't go a whole night without giving a couple out.

Martin Robinson

Bet he's awkward like that on a night out. Gives the lad at the curry house an award for outstanding service. Pretty sure that lad would have rather had a tip, Geoff.

Martin Robinson

God you're so tight Geoff. This is why we don't invite you out anymore.

Martin Robinson

Anyway here's Predator, which looks very Predator and maybe a bit too much like the 2010 Rebellion game (which, you know what, I kind of liked).

Martin Robinson

But that's the wrong opinion? Although Predator 2 can be quite lol.

Martin Robinson

A bit of work to be done on Predator Hunting Grounds, but there's still plenty of time to go on that one.

Martin Robinson

Here's Iceborne - which, I can confirm, is absolute nails.

Martin Robinson

I think this one's trying to win back the hardcore who might have been turned off by vanilla Monster Hunter World.

Martin Robinson

Yager up next. I forget what they're working on.

Martin Robinson

Since Dead Island 2 went to all the other devs.

Martin Robinson

Oh, they're making The Cycle!

Martin Robinson

It's got guns in it.

Martin Robinson

And that's in early access now.

Martin Robinson

Kami: Whatever happened to Dead Island 2?

Don't know how to tell you this, but after it went through like seven different studios it turns out you're making it now. Get a rush on will you.

Martin Robinson

A new trailer for Life is Strange 2's fourth episode.

Martin Robinson

It's bang afer bang after bang after bang.

Martin Robinson

Geoff just got a whatsapp from his boyfriend and he's really excited about it.

Martin Robinson

Here's that Sega announcement! They're doing a Civ-baiting game with Amplitude.

Martin Robinson

I hope the end game does have cavemen rocking out, because I am in if that's the case.

Martin Robinson

It's a caveman in space, rocking out. What's not to like?

Martin Robinson

And that's Humankind - coming next year.

Martin Robinson

Here's Borderlands 3. No Randy.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Well, Ice T is in Borderlands 3, so that's something.

Martin Robinson

Kiliko: Bored-erlands 3


Martin Robinson

INSOMANiAC: ClapTRAP you cunts!

*standing ovation*

Martin Robinson

A new game is inbound!

Martin Robinson

Or at least one you might not have heard of before.

Martin Robinson

It's a German one!

Martin Robinson

It's made in Unreal Engine!

Martin Robinson

It's got spaceships!

Martin Robinson

It's by Rockfish!

Martin Robinson

Oh it's Everspace 2.

Martin Robinson

Geoff, mate. Were you having us on?

Martin Robinson

I think some people might have heard of that one.

Martin Robinson

Anyway it looks great.

Martin Robinson

Really spacey and shippy and explosiony.

Martin Robinson

AddressUnknown: lol 2021 game branded as PS4 and Xbone.

That is odd - I spotted earlier they just had the Xbox and PlayStation logos rather than console specific ones for some games.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

If you are interested in how this is shaping up for the Switch, it's worth keeping an eye on the site.

Martin Robinson

I think it looks decent, and as someone who's bounced off the game a couple of times I'm looking forward to doing so all over again come October.

Martin Robinson

Oh it's out on October 15th!

Martin Robinson

'Now we're going to talk about FIFA 20'.

Martin Robinson

Please don't.

Martin Robinson

PES looks good this year though, doesn't it?

Martin Robinson

FIFA really is the worst of video games. That bit where it was actually good between 09 and 13 seems like a distant dream, an odd little blip.

Martin Robinson

If somehow their nefarious ways means that lizard in a suit Andrew Wilson gets jail time though it'll all be worth it.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, FIFA 20. It's got keep-ups in it!

Martin Robinson

Oh my god. And it has teeth. So many teeth.

Martin Robinson

Well, this is a novel new take on the 'cheer that' formula.

Martin Robinson

So, *this* is Disintegration, which is from ex-Bungie man Marcus Lehto.

Martin Robinson

Marcus, you've just left Bungie. The world's your oyster. Make whatever game you want to make.

Martin Robinson

'Can I make Halo again plz'

Martin Robinson

Oh alright then.

Martin Robinson

Cayde 6 lives!

Martin Robinson

The dev is V1 Interactive, some 30 people working out of Seattle.

Martin Robinson

It's a first-person shooter with RTS elements.

Martin Robinson

So it kind of sounds like it honours the original vision for Halo? Maybe. I dunno. I've only seen a couple of minutes of it.

Martin Robinson

Well, I'll be interested to see how it plays - and it's playable this week at Gamescom.

Martin Robinson

Darksiders Diablo next.

Martin Robinson

It's a Tequila Works game for Stadia - one that I forgot about, even having just sat through the interminable Stadia presentation earlier. Oh, that's because it wasn't there!

Martin Robinson

What is a womangirl Geoff.

Martin Robinson

Because it might have made it interesting?

Martin Robinson

I don't understand what's going on but I feel admonished.

Martin Robinson

Nintendo won an award!

Martin Robinson

Well done Nintendo.

Martin Robinson

Say hi for me please.

Martin Robinson

Look, I let you have Predator 2. But you've gone too far this time.

Martin Robinson

More on Destiny 2 now. Can I move onto the strong stuff yet? Mentally I was only prepared for an 8pm finish.

Martin Robinson

Eris Morn is back, so is the moon, so are wizards too I guess.

Martin Robinson

The momentum has been sapped dry from this show.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Toaster05: Think about that sweet OT pay Martin


Martin Robinson

Great, those angry fax machines The Vex are back.

Martin Robinson

I can't hear an old school dial-up tone without having flashbacks to The Vault of Glass and the countless hours I wasted there.

Martin Robinson

INSOMANiAC: Deuxtiny

Ok you win.

Martin Robinson

Well, that's Destiny 2 Shadowkeep.

Martin Robinson

And this!

Martin Robinson

This is...

Martin Robinson

I don't know.

Martin Robinson

Oh, I'm told it's Remothered.

Martin Robinson

Which I'm also told by Eurogamer's Matt Wales is quite good.

Martin Robinson

That counts as a reveal. You can have that, Geoff.

Martin Robinson

Also is that the first dubstep of Gamescom 2019?

Martin Robinson

Waiting for AddressUnknown with: 'Opinion. Dubstep is alright actually.'

Martin Robinson

Someone's brought his son onstage.

Martin Robinson

I think it must be bring your kid to work day. The little one looks quite shy, but he's doing okay!

Martin Robinson

One day you might get a real job too, young one.

Martin Robinson

(Says the man sitting on his sofa being an arsehole on the internet).

Martin Robinson

Here's a new trailer from Sony!

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

It is not Demon's Souls.

Martin Robinson

It looks like one of the Wales Interactive FMV games.

Martin Robinson

Or maybe the Demon's Souls remake has got one hell of a twist?

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Erica - which I've actually heard good things about?

Martin Robinson

Jack Attridge is a very smart guy, so I'm interested in what this one's doing.

Martin Robinson

I think this was announced back at Paris Games Week an absolute age ago.

Martin Robinson

As in looks like a funeral up on stage at the moment?

Martin Robinson

I once went to a 70mm screening of 2001 and some wazzock in front of me was trying to film it on his phone. He also got really indignant when I told him to stop.

Martin Robinson

Also, while we're playing this game.

Martin Robinson

Opinion: Fast and Furious 7 is better than 2001.

Martin Robinson

The Farming Sim league has its tournament at Gamescom, and I think that's the biggest cheer there's been all show.

Martin Robinson

I don't know who this guy is but I respect his hat.

Martin Robinson

INSOMANiAC: Fletch Lives is better than 12 Angry Men


Martin Robinson

AddressUnknown: Opinion. Fast and the Furious Tokyo Drift better than 2001.

No lies detected.

Martin Robinson

Two hours though.

Martin Robinson

Two hours!

Martin Robinson

It is very good! But it's no Fast and Furious 7. Nothing ever could be.

Martin Robinson

I'm not even joking about Fast and Furious 7. Like, have you seen Orson Welles' A Touch of Evil? You know how good the first five minutes is?

Martin Robinson

Imagine that BUT FOR A WHOLE FILM.

Martin Robinson

The Rock just got married today!

Martin Robinson

That is a 100 per cent, verified fact.

Martin Robinson

Look, I know it sucks sometimes when video game sites start writing about films and whatnot. But can I get your permission to make 50 per cent of the content on Eurogamer about the Fast and Furious series?

Martin Robinson

Sorry, I stopped watching the show. Is it Anno or something?

Martin Robinson

Oh it's Port Royale 4. Sorry, my bad.

Martin Robinson

You've got to play to your audience, though, so it's understandable they've gone deep RTS for Gamescom.

Martin Robinson

And on that note, here's Iron Harvest.

Martin Robinson

AddressUnknown: Yes. Permission granted.

Thanks. Printing this out and presenting it to Oli tomorrow morning. You won't regret it.

Martin Robinson

CrashOkami: Martin, I'd take 50% more F&F for 50% less Fortnite etc. Permission granted.

Ha, ok. Duly noted, will also present this to da management.

Martin Robinson

AddressUnknown: What is the point in the awards?

They're nice to show your mum who always ask what your job actually is.

Martin Robinson

spinoir: Grid from Koch media?

Coke media, darling.

Martin Robinson

Modern Phwoarfare is up next.

Martin Robinson

They should call it that though it totally nails the tone they're going for.

Martin Robinson

I regret to inform you that no, he is not.

Martin Robinson

It's an absolute crime.

Martin Robinson

A Modern Warfare alpha is inbound, people.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

Oh man.

Martin Robinson

I'd be cynical, but seeing true love like this is quite touching.

Martin Robinson

It all began when Geoff heroically broke Koj out of that gulag.

Martin Robinson

I wonder if Koj thinks this is all a bit weird.

Martin Robinson

Has Keighley in his phone as 'Creepy Geoff'.

Martin Robinson

It starts buzzing, Koj sees it's creepy Geoff, rolls his eyes. He can't ignore another call. He'll have to make up some bullshit excuse.

Martin Robinson

Just go to Germany, get up on stage for a couple of minutes, then he'll stop calling for a couple of months.

Martin Robinson

I'll finally have some peace.

Martin Robinson

Be able to get back to those box sets.

Martin Robinson

Kojima, visionary, auteur. Creator of... That guy who keeps shitting himself. That girl that was made out of plants or something so had to be pretty much nude the entire game.

Martin Robinson


Martin Robinson

I do think this looks more Metal Gear Solid 4 than anything else.

Martin Robinson

I don't know if that's a good thing or not.

Martin Robinson

Anyway, that was Andie Macdowell's daughter, fact fans.

Martin Robinson

That was Mama. And this? This is... Deadman.

Martin Robinson

Played by Del Toro, of course.

Martin Robinson

I need to go to toilet. If I give someone the password to our CMS can they take over for a bit?

Martin Robinson

Well, that is pretty much all I do.

Martin Robinson

It was a number one. I'm back, I'm afraid.

Martin Robinson

Geoff nodding like any of this shit makes any sense.

Martin Robinson

If you think this is bad, you wait until the deluge of awful op-eds that come out in the wake of Death Stranding.

Martin Robinson

So, here's some gameplay.

Martin Robinson

Here we go.

Martin Robinson

The first gameplay of Death Stranding.

Martin Robinson

You get to nap in Iceland.

Martin Robinson

Then you stop napping. And have a think about getting up.

Martin Robinson

Then you piss on a rock.

Martin Robinson

Oh the baby is pissing. Sorry.

Martin Robinson

I do reckon this has the potential to be the next Boktai.

Martin Robinson

INSOMANiAC: This what I call gameplay leak. AHAHAHAHAHAHA. I told you I'd peaked.

You're on fire.

Martin Robinson

Geoff Keighley is in Death Stranding.

Martin Robinson

I hate everyone and everything.

Martin Robinson

It's a postman simulator where you bring your baby to work and Geoff Keighley is in it.

Martin Robinson

Will obviously reserve judgement for the final thing, and the exploration side looks wonderful.

Martin Robinson

But also Kojima fans are just as tedious as Tarantino fans, so the back end of 2019 sure is going to be fun.

Martin Robinson

Geoff's face is un-mocappable.

Martin Robinson

It is unmoving.

Martin Robinson

It is a rock.

Martin Robinson

He is born from the Moai.

Martin Robinson

AddressUnknown: I've got a Kojima Productions T-shirt and hoodie. Picked them up from Insert Coin.

Opinion: burn them now.

Martin Robinson

Also yes it does look very interesting and very different and I'm honestly very excited to play it but I think the amount of misplaced reverence makes it very tempting to scream 'do one'.

Martin Robinson

I love that Death Stranding exists, and games in 2019 are all the better for it and for people like Kojima.

Martin Robinson

(Although there are lots of good video games and interesting people making them that deserve just as much, if not more, reverence and respect).

Martin Robinson

GarciaHotspur: I miss Swery.

He lives!

Martin Robinson

Kami: tbh, I think this cameo stuff would have been better just being found by people on the Interwebz.

Yeah, it didn't need 30 minutes on-stage for sure.

Martin Robinson

Well, that was Death Stranding.

Martin Robinson

And oh my god yes INSOMANiAC, if Langford is in it all this self-fellation will be excused.

Martin Robinson

I look forward to finding out more about Death Stranding later this year. But also just get off the stage and go rut you two.

Martin Robinson

That was Gamescom Opening Night Live. And you know what? It was actually really good - the last half hour was awkward and the last half sagged, but there were some good announcements and it felt like a proper video game show.

Martin Robinson

I might even be tempted to clap that?

Martin Robinson

Thanks for having me, and thanks for keeping me sane and for keeping it entertaining.

Martin Robinson

I wish we could do this every day. But also I'd like to not be on my laptop so I'm signing off. Tara!

Martin Robinson

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