Platformer (Page 80)
Classic NES Series: Metroid Review
Same old Samus: see her stripped down to her 8-bit threads inside!
Viewtiful Joe
They said it would never happen. (Well, they just kept their mouths shut actually.) But now it's here, and there's a new battlecry to celebrate: Devil May Cry Baby!
Crash Bandicoot: Fusion vs Spyro: Fusion
Jak and Ratchet may never meet for all we know, but Naughty Dog and Insomniac's original heroes clearly get on that much better...
Moveover Tetris the best puzzle game ever goes wireless, not so much oh no as oh yes!
Sonic Mega Collection Plus
Presumably so-called because Sonic Mega Plus Game Gear Collection sounds rubbish. (Don't knock it; it's top of the UK Charts this week...)
Alien Hominid
If it's the bastard offspring of anything, it'd be an orgy involving Viewtiful Joe, Johnny Bravo and Metal Slug - and nobody remembers who put what where.
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
Every year an utterly essential game appears that no-one buys. Buck the trend.