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Grand Theft Auto 5 gets Just Cause 2 grappling hook mod

The ties that bind.

Grand Theft Auto 5 has received a fan-made mod adding Just Cause 2's grappling hook.

This seems easy to get hooked on.

Does it work well? Not really. Is it funny? You betcha!

Since GTA5 doesn't have a climbing mechanic or animation, the grappling hook landings are ungraceful, to say the least. Sometimes you'll inelegantly warp to the top of a moving vehicle, while other times you'll sluggishly flop over a railing like seasick sailor after a particularly foolhardy fleet week. It's basically Spider-Man by way of Goat Simulator and I couldn't be happier.

Modder JulioNIB's add-on does more than just propel you to locations, though: it also allows you to connect various objects, and people, to each other. This is great for dragging unsuspecting folks behind a car or dangling from a helicopter. Before you know it you'll be manipulating Vinewood like the world's clumsiest puppeteer.

You can download the mod over at GTA5Base.

Watch YouTuber GTA X Scripting go hog wild with grappling hooks in the following video. (Thanks, RPS for bringing this to our attention.)

Watch on YouTube

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