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Gunblade NY/LA Machineguns confirmed

Out on Wii this summer. Vid and pics.

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

SEGA has confirmed that it plans to release Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns Arcade on Wii.

The press release on the SEGA blog said to expect it in summer 2010.

We already know a bit about what to expect courtesy of a helpful ESRB listing, which detailed the lightgun-style antics with which older arcade-goers will remember well.

The Wii adaptation will also introduce new elements like a Chain Combo System and Unlockable Weapon Toggle for activating hidden abilities like wide shot, rapid fire and heavy shot.

Check out our Gunblade NY and LA Machineguns Arcade screenshot gallery for more, or watch the announcement trailer below.

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