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Halo 3 map pack shots

Bungie LiveText tomorrow!

Dark blue icons of video game controllers on a light blue background
Image credit: Eurogamer

Bungie has shipped out a batch of shots for its imminent Heroic Map Pack, which may or may not feature real life heroes from television series 999.

They should give you a better idea of what you will get for your 800 Points (GBP 6.80 / EUR 9.30) next Tuesday.

Included are three maps: Standoff, a medium and symmetrical valley map with bases at either side; Rat's Nest with labyrinthine passages for big team battles; and the vacuous warehouse map, Foundry.

All are compatible with Forge for editing, and Microsoft even encourages you to get to grips with Foundry - apparently it is perfect for a spot of fiddling.

This is also a perfect opportunity for us to remind you that tomorrow at 3pm GMT we will be chatting to Bungie favourites Jonty Barnes and Frank O'Connor in the third of our LiveText interviews.

The idea is you get to ask your questions there and then to people who matter in the games industry.

So far we have grilled Naughty Dog big shot Evan Wells and Lionhead champion Peter Molyneux - who, incidentally, would rather be invisible than have lasers for eyes.

You can read our Molyneux transcript in the Eurogamer basement.

Oh, or you can pop over to our Halo 3 gallery for the latest Heroic Map Pack screenshots.

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