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Hearthstone tournament taking place at EGX Rezzed

Show tickets still available for Friday and Sunday and on sale on the door.

EGX Rezzed kicks off at the Birmingham NEC tomorrow and if you needed any more impetus to consider joining us there then perhaps a Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft tournament will tickle your mana curve?

The tournament is running on 16 screens throughout the show, which runs from Friday to Sunday, and it's not a straight knockout or anything - Blizzard and the ESL, who will be running things, have put together some interesting formats.

The first is a simple race to get the fastest win against the AI on hard mode, so polish off your Hunter rush decks.

For those who like to control the pace instead, there's also a deck-building competition, where entrants will be rewarded for the most original deck with the most potential as judged by event staff. (And yes, they've seen all the miracle Rogue variations and Trump's Mage deck, so give it up.)

Finally there's "For Threedom!" This is an eight-person competition that runs regularly throughout the show and limits players to cards that cost three mana crystals or less. Arcane Golem FTW!

Winners in each category will pick up some fabulous prizes courtesy of Blizzard (details to be confirmed at the show).

Tickets for Saturday at EGX Rezzed have pretty much sold out now, although if you hurry over to then you might catch the last one or two, but you can still pick some up for Friday or Sunday if you fancy coming along. Tickets for those two days will also be on sale on the door at the NEC.

For more on EGX Rezzed, including details on all the games playable on the show floor and the developer session schedule, check out the What's On page on the official site. And if you're coming along, do say hello.

Full disclosure: in case it wasn't already obvious, EGX Rezzed is organised by Gamer Network, which publishes We help out with content curation although we have no involvement in the commercial side. For more details on this sort of thing, check out the How We Work page.

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