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How to beat Black Wind King in Black Myth Wukong

Hall of the Black Wind Mountain king.

Black Wind King
Image credit: Eurogamer/Game Science

Black Wind King might look more like a monk, albeit a very stacked one, than a king, but the title is correct. He’s not just a Yaoguai King, but also technically the penultimate story boss in Chapter One of Black Myth: Wukong.

Although the first most human-looking adversary you’ll have encountered so far, he’s still a Yaoguai. This means he’s got plenty of supernatural tricks up his sleeve, so do not underestimate his burly physique because he is one of the most challenging bosses of Black Myth: Wukong's first chapter.

To help you in this battle, here's how to beat Black Wind King in Black Myth: Wukong.

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How to prepare for Black Wind King in Black Myth Wukong

You will find Black Wind King in an area of Black Wind Mountain called Black Wind Cave. Conveniently, there’s a shrine called Cave Interior that is right by the door that leads to the boss arena.

Destined One at rest shrine
Image credit: Eurogamer/Game Science

In terms of preparation, your tools and abilities are still relatively limited this early on, but you should have unlocked the Pillar Stance by now. It’s also recommended that you fight Guangzhi back in the Forest of Wolves to unlock the transformation spell (not to be confused with the transformation from an equipped spirit) that transforms you into a more powerful form temporarily.

You should also try to complete the three bells quest, which can be done prior to this fight, which also involves defeating Guangzhi, as this will also enable you to craft the Bronze armour set. This not only improves your defence but it’ also improves your fire resistance, which you’ll also be grateful for.

How to beat Black Wind King in Black Myth Wukong

The Black Wind King wields a long polearm and, when the fight begins, he comes straight at you as soon he's finished monologuing, so be prepared to dodge when he throws himself towards you. He’s faster than he looks - although at least you can Immobilize him to get some early combos in and build your Focus Points.

Yet despite already been more agile than he looks, his main trick is that he can just disappear and turn into a dark cloud form. Don’t try attacking him or casting Immobilize because it won’t do anything, though annoyingly he’ll be able to charge and hurt you while like this. You can perfect dodge him in this form, but it’s naturally trickier when you don’t have a solid version of him to parse the timing. The arena you’re fighting him only has light coming in from the centre, so you may find visibility a bit of an issue too.

Destined One in battle against a dark cloud in low-lit arena
Image credit: Eurogamer/Game Science

After he’s done chasing you as a dark cloud, the Black Wind King will come crashing back down in his normal form into the centre of the arena. You’re given ample time to steer clear as the area is signaled by a large swirl of mist and sparks before he drops from above, causing a shockwave within that AOE. Only once he’s landed and the swirling has subsided can you attempt to charge in.

He’s not left open for long though. Using his polearm, he has big heavy swings with the power indicated by how those swings leave a dark fog trail. He has a combo of these swings, which can end with a jumping overhead polearm slam. He can also charge you with polearm held out in thrust position. For the swing attacks, they’re aiming for ground level, so using Pillar Stance is a good way to avoid these and then come back down with a countering heavy attack.

Black Wind King breathes fire
Image credit: Eurogamer/Game Science

Get ready when you see him take a swig of his own Gourd, because he’ll shoot out a long breath of fire that will burn anything in front of him. He will also move his head around a bit too, so keep moving even if you dodge it. You'll catch alright if you do get caught by the flames, so be sure to roll twice to put them out if you don’t want your HP to get gradually depleted by the fire. While the Pillar Stance technically allows you to avoid this attack, if you’re coming down with the heavy counter at the same time, you can still get burned even if the attack lands.

The Black Wind King also has another annoying move up his sleeve. Worse than becoming a dark cloud, he just fades away from view before suddenly emerging from out of nowhere to ambush you. Your only respite is the attack isn’t instant, rather he’ll be in standing stance winding up an attack so you have time to react either trying to perfect dodge or just using Immobilize if possible.

Destined One attempts to attack Black Wind King whose form is slowly fading into mist
Image credit: Eurogamer/Game Science

He’ll be more prone to reusing this disappearing trick when he has less than 25% of health left, and more often than not he’ll reappear with a combo so just stay vigilant. Dodge these attacks and wait until he’s finished to follow up with any hits you can. Don’t expect to have a window to get a full combo off him, and, if you try using Immobilize at this point, it’s almost guaranteed he will laugh it off and turn back to dark cloud form, rendering the spell a waste.

Black Wind King rewards in Black Myth Wukong

Although you technically defeat Black Wind King, he’s not actually dead. After having the gall to accuse you of using cheap tricks, he beats a retreat and goads you to follow him up to Black Wind Mountain’s summit. This is the rare instance where a boss has two phases but they’re fortunately also two separate fights where you can also rest and recover at a shrine checkpoint.

Black Wind King clutching chest and fading away. Subtitles read: 'Meet me at the summit if you dare!'
Image credit: Eurogamer/Game Science

Nonetheless, you will still earn 1049 XP to level you up and gain another Spark point, as well as 699 Will and one Stone Spirit material. But the best reward is that the cheap trick that he had been using in the fight is now yours to use too. It’s called Cloud Step, which will allow you to turn into mist to escape, making you invisible to enemies (although you’ll appear in a light ethereal form) and allowing you to ambush them with an Unveiled Strike.

Now let’s hope you’re ready to make the ascent to the summit and finish this fight proper!

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