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How to beat Null in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom

Tips for defeating Null and saving Hyrule.

zelda echoes of wisdom null boss fight
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Beating Null in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is the final part of the main story quest 'The Prime Energy and Null' and Null's Body dungeon which you will need to complete to finally save Hyrule.

This is a very long and hard boss fight that will test everything you've learned throughout Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. We highly recommend making sure you've collected plenty of Heart Pieces and have multiple smoothies in your inventory before entering this battle.

When you're ready, here's how to beat Null in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

If you're looking for more help, check out our Zelda Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough hub.

How to beat Null in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom

The final battle with Null is a multi-phase fight so we strongly advise making sure you've got enough smoothies and items to sustain your hearts while you battle through.

Phase One

One of Null's first attacks to watch out for is a claw-shoot attack they do by extending one of their three arms out at you, trying to grab you with their claw. The easiest way to avoid this is to watch for their body to slightly raise up, this is the indicator that they're about to use this attack. When you see this, make sure you're out of arm's reach.

zelda echoes of wisdom null claw swipe attack
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Straight after this they will also shoot their claw out at you to follow you around the room.

zelda echoes of wisdom null claw follow attack
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

To attack Null you need to use 'Bind' to grab onto each of their three arms and pull back as far as you can until Link slices their arm. Yes, it's brutal, but they started it!

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight pulling arm to expose weak point
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

When you've removed all of their arms they'll be vulnerable, and this is when you can either spin attack Null or call on multiple strong Echoes to attack them for you. Link will also be attacking with his trusty Sword.

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight first vulnerable moment without arms
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Null will suddenly get up and then escape through a hole in the wall on your left - this is the start of the second phase.

Phase Two

Get away from the walls as fast as you can! Null will stick their arms through the walls to try to grab you with their claws and the easiest way to avoid getting caught by this is to stand in the middle of the room when you can.

They'll also use the same attack as they did earlier where the claws follow you around the room.

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight first arms through wall attack
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

As you did earlier, you need to use 'Bind' to pull Null's arms back as far as you can go so that Link can cut the exposed red portion of it to remove the arm itself. There are three arms you need to do this for here.

Once you've done this, Null will reappear through another hole in the wall - time for phase three.

Phase Three

In this phase Null is, understandably, in a very bad mood. They've now merged two attacks from the previous phases - the claw grab one from phase one is now combined with the bouncing claws that follow you from phase two.

You can call on Echoes here too to distract the other claws while you're trying to destroy one.

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight arms through the wall second attack
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Aside from that combo attack, the premise here is the same - use 'Bind' to pull out Null's arms so Link can cut them off again. Once Null is just a head, use Echoes alongside Link to attack them repeatedly.

Null will then disappear through yet another hole in the wall - stop running away already!

Phase Four

You've probably guessed it, Null's arms break through the walls again in this phase. As well as attacks used in earlier phases, there's a new one you need to watch out for here.

Null will slam their claw into the ground and, once they've done this, the area surrounding the point their hand hit will be toxic for a short period of time - the long and short of it is just don't stand in the toxic goo.

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight toxic floor
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Just as you did earlier, pull Null's arms out to expose the red portion for Link to slice off. When you've done this to all the arms, Null will appear yet again.

Phase Five

We know it sounds like we're going in circles but trust us, you're doing the right thing. Null will recycle attacks they previously used in other phases at this point and again, all you need to do is avoid the attacks then pull their arms out for Link to remove.

Once they're armless use your strongest Echoes to attack Null again alongside Link. When you've done enough damage the fight will change…

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight phase five transformation
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Phase Six

Oh no you've been split from Link! But don't worry, you've fought your way through to this point with Echoes, your own spirit and Tri so don't stress. You'll now be in a side-on fight with Null and you'll be underwater, so make sure to collect any air bubbles you see!

The attacks they use in this part of the fight should be familiar to you from earlier dungeon bosses you've faced, such as large Rift enemies that can be fought with strong Echoes and whirlwinds from Vocavor that need to be swam around so they don't hit you.

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight underwater section dodging whirlwinds
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Null will now have three growths hanging behind them and they'll keep swimming to the right which gives you plenty of chances to grab onto a growth. So, when you can, grab onto one of them with 'Bind' then pull back as far as you can until the red fleshy bits are exposed.

At this point, call out Echoes that have weaponry that can slice at things and can survive underwater (such as a Lizalfos Lv. 3) to cut the growth off. Rinse and repeat this with the remaining two.

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight underwater section pulling growths to show weakpoint
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

After attacking them like this for a bit, Null will retract their growths and become a floating ball. At this point, grab onto them with 'Bind' and keep pulling them back as much as you can to give your strong Echoes a chance to attack.

For us, we kept holding onto the main body after this even when the growths returned as our continuous pulling of Null let our Lizalfos remove them and continue attacking the main body.

However, be warned that this part can go on for a while and Null will throw multiple whirlwinds and their own creations at you, so make sure to keep dodging if you want to stay alive.

Eventually, after you've dealt enough damage, Null will run away through another wall and you'll be sucked in behind them.

Phase Seven

Good news - you're back with Link, but the bad news is that Null is now absolutely fuming and has five arms.

As you did earlier, use 'Bind' to grab onto one of the arms and pull it back for Link (or one of your Echoes) to cut off. Once you've cut one arm off you'll be reunited with an old friend - a shadow version of the Seismic Talus you fought before. They will use their spinning arm attack to try to hit you, just stay as far away from them as you can to avoid being hit.

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight shadow seismic talus
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

When Null changes back to themselves, grab another arm with 'Bind' and as soon as it's cut off two shadows of an earlier boss will appear - Mogyrph. Each one will be airborne and use their tornado attack to try to catch you, watch the direction they're moving in and make sure you're nowhere near them.

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight shadow mogyrph duo tornado attack
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Null will return to themselves again, and as you did earlier you need to remove their their arm. Each arm you remove will bring back the shadow bosses you've just encountered until there's one arm left.

Remove the final arm as you did with the other four and then, when they're just a blob on the ground, release your strongest Echo and attack Null with all your might.

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight lizalfos echo attacking blob null
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

They'll then escape through a hole in the wall to the right!

Phase Eight

Instead of the clawed arms coming through the wall, this time the growths from the underwater section will break through instead. Just as you did before though, avoid their attacks and use 'Bind' as well as Link to cut them off.

Call out Echoes here to help distract any rift enemies that spawn from the growths, it makes it easier to deal with the arms.

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight tentacle growths through wall attack
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Also watch the ground as Null will reach their claws up through the floor to try to grab Zelda, if you get caught you'll be stuck for a few moments until Link comes to get you out.

Once you've dealt enough damage to the growths, Null will appear again. As you did earlier remove one of their arms and when you do this, another familiar face will appear - three shadow versions of Ganon.

All three will use Ganon's thrust attack, so as you did when you first fought him, dodge out of the way when you can tell which direction the attack will go in.

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight shadow ganon trio
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Null will reappear and again, remove one of their arms. At this point two shadow versions of Skorchill will appear in the room and spin around to try to knock you down. Watch where they're going and make sure you're as far from them as possible to avoid being hit.

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight shadow skorchill duo
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

After this, Null will reappear once more and now you just need to rinse and repeat until you've removed all of their arms. Once you've taken each of their arms off they'll be a vulnerable blob in the ground - attack them now with everything you've got.

Would you look at that - Null escapes through the wall again (oh come on just die already.)

Final Phase

We've made it this far so let's wrap this up, this is the final phase of your battle with Null. At this point their growths will appear through the walls again, deal with them as you did earlier while being mindful of incoming attacks - there's nothing new to watch out for at this point.

Null will eventually reappear and, you know the drill, remove those arms one by one! When you take off the first one you'll face a shadow version of Gohma who will use their web shooting attack from the wall. Remember to burn the webs off the ground so you don't get stuck.

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight shadow goma web attacks
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

The two Mogryph shadows will appear soon after this too, just remember you only need to dodge the attacks for this part.

When you remove the second arm, you'll have to deal with the shadow Ganons and Seismic Talus together.

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight shadow seismic talus and shadow ganons
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Removing the next arm will create three shadow Skorchills - all you have to do is survive these attacks, don't worry about landing your own.

Taking off the fourth arm will cause Null to call on four shadow Ganons - but you already know how to dodge these attacks so keep going, you're almost there.

When you remove the final arm you need to attack Null's blob of a body with absolutely everything you've got, Link will be doing the same beside you and eventually the Prime Energy will be exposed.

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight pulling energy from null with bind
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Once you see this, use 'Bind' to grab onto it with your Tri Rod and pull back as far as you can go. At this point your screen will switch, keep pressing 'A' as fast as you can to pull it free of Null.

zelda echoes of wisdom null fight pulling energy from null with link
Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

That's it - we told you that you were almost there - you have finally defeated Null and completed the main story for Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom, congratulations!

That's it for now! If you're going back through Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom to play again or clear some side quests and collectibles, check out our walkthrough hub to find all of our guides in one place.

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