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How to change time of day in Infinity Nikki

Pass the time with this familiar mini-game.

infinity nikki run pear pal app minigame
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

Learning how to change the time of day in Infinity Nikki will help you skip ahead to a specific time of day when you need it. After all, sometimes fiddling with time is a lot easier than finding ways to pass it organically.

Making time move on in Infinity Nikki isn't a simple case of sitting down somewhere and the night sky quickly becoming day, oh no, you have to play a rather familiar-looking mini-game.

Without further ado, here's how to change the time of day in Infinity Nikki.

How to change time of day in Infinity Nikki

To change the time of day in Infinity Nikki you need to complete the 'Land of Wishes' main story quest to get the Pear-Pal device from Dada in Florawish.

When you've got the Pear-Pal, open it up and look for the 'Run, Pear-Pal app':

infinity nikki run pear pal app option in pear pal menu
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

Open this up and you'll see a the dial as well as the current time of day displayed in the middle of it:

infinity nikki current time of day on pear pal app
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

There are five times generic times of day on it on the outer ring:

  • Day
  • Dusk
  • Night
  • Sunup
  • Dawn

You then need to move the dial around clockwise to alter the time, you can either go to a generic portion of the day like Dusk or Dawn by moving it to one of their blocks. Also, you can go to a specific time of day by moving the dial around until the time counter in the middle of the screen displays the exact time you want to go to:

infinity nikki skip to time of day in pear-pal
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

However, it's important to note that you can't skip days ahead - you can only skip time for the rest of the day you're on around to the same time you're currently at on the following day. For example, if it's 1pm during the day you can only go around to 1pm the following day.

Once you've confirmed the time you want to go to, you then need to pass that time by playing a mini-game that looks suspiciously like an old real-world app with a bird that flaps.

infinity nikki run pear pal run app start screen
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

You don't have to be successful at this mini-game, you just need to survive the 30 second run to pass the time. However, if you want to be competitive with yourself, you can try your best to get the highest score - the choice is yours.

Once the timer runs out and the mini-game ends, exit the app and you'll have travelled to the time of day you set.

Also, if you don't want to play the mini-game then there's an option for that too! When you're setting the time of day you want to travel to, make sure you've ticked the 'Skip' box beneath the time display and this will skip the mini-game for you.

infinity nikki change time of day skip mini game option
Image credit: Eurogamer/Infold Games

That's it for now! We hope you have a stylish time exploring Miraland in Infinity Nikki.

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