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How to clear Wanted Manhunt level in Star Wars Outlaws

How to safely complete the Death Trooper event.

star wars outlaws death trooper
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

The Wanted Manhunt level in Star Wars Outlaws is the highest Wanted level you can obtain and it means that the Empire have sent extremely dangerous Imperials after you - Death Troopers.

Unlike clearing a normal Wanted level, you'll need to take part in a special event that only appears when you reach the maximum 'I've annoyed the Empire' level in Star Wars Outlaws. Though going in Blaster blazing is an option for this event, we strongly advise using stealth for your own safety.

Without further ado, here's how to clear the Wanted Manhunt level in Star Wars Outlaws.

How to clear Wanted Manhunt level in Star Wars Outlaws

To clear your Wanted Manhunt level in Star Wars Outlaws you need to complete the Death Trooper Event that appears on your map. We did wait it out to see if the level cleared on its own, but this does not work - you must complete the event.

The Death Trooper event will be marked on your map by a red icon, it can appear anywhere:

star wars outlaws death trooper event on map
Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

You'll need to make your way to the event, but remember that the Empire will be searching for you so you'll need to be quick and careful. Luckily, once you're close to the event's location all other Imps following you will back off as they're instructed to leave you to the Death Troopers.

When you get to the location, you need to find somewhere to hide (like tall grass) and get a good view of the event area itself. This consists of a small building, usually three Death Troopers, and an Imperial Officer dressed in white.

You need to steal the Key Card off of the Imperial Officer. We found it best to get as close as you can while remaining hidden and using Nix to Pickpocket the card from the Imp. That's step one done!

star wars outlaws death trooper event imperial officer
This is your target Nix. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

The next step is to use the Imperial Terminal in the building being guarded by the Death Troopers. Now, usually there are two Death Troopers guarding the main door and only one guarding the back door.

star wars outlaws two death troopers guarding door
Two Death Troopers? No thank you, let's find another way. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

We found it best to sneak around to face the back door, while remaining hidden, and using Nix to distract the Death Trooper so that they're facing the opposite direction to the door.

star wars outlaws nix using distract on death trooper
Nix use distract! Wait... wrong game. | Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

While Nix has the Trooper's attention, quickly get inside the building and interact with the terminal that's typically on the left (if you've gone in the back way). You don't need to Slice it, once you've interacted with the Terminal your Wanted Manhunt level will clear.

star wars outlaws death trooper event imperial terminal
Mission complete! | Image credit: Eurogamer/Ubisoft

We don't recommend entering a fire fight with the Death Troopers, they're strong enemies with even stronger health bars. However, if you feel like you want to take the challenge on, then steal one of the weapons inside the building with the Terminal in it as they're usually quite strong. Remember though, takedowns and Nix attacks don't work on them!

That's all for now! If you're looking for more Star Wars Outlaws help, then check out our pages showing you how to get the Smoke Bomb Compressor, how to win Sabacc and our page explaining how Reputation works.

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