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How to escape Hyrule Castle in Zelda Echoes of Wisdom

The opening prologue to Echoes of Wisdom explained.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Escaping Hyrule Castle is your first major task in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom.

After a short prologue which sees mysterious rifts covering the land of Hyrule and swallowing Link, Zelda finds herself trapped in the dungeon of her own castle in the opening hour of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom. Much like how she begins Zelda: A Link to the Past when I think about it…

To help you get started in Zelda's adventure, we've covered both the Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom prologue and how to escape Hyrule Castle down below. Just be wary of spoilers!

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Want to learn more about Zelda's quest? Check out our Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough.

Zelda Echoes of Wisdom prologue explained: How does Echoes of Wisdom begin?

You begin Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom as Link. (What's he doing in Zelda's adventure?) This opening section of the game is incredibly simple, so we won't walk you through it - simply follow the corridor, defeating any enemies you encounter and taking note of the control instructions as you go. Link has access to his sword, bow and bombs so feel free to play around with these items as well.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

It won't be long before you find yourself facing Ganon who has, once again, kidnapped Zelda. (Someone needs to get a new hobby…)

This fight is quite simple in part because Ganon does an excellent job of telegraphing his attacks by thrusting his spear forward, which gives you ample time to dodge them. It also helps that Link has a complete set of Heart Containers, so you're free to take a good number of hits.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

The attack you really need to pay attention to though is a Zelda classic - energy balls. By this we mean that Ganon will create an energy ball and send it out towards Link. When this happens you need to swing your sword at the right time to hit the ball back towards Ganon. He will then do the same and you'll want to repeat this until the energy ball hits Ganon. At this point he'll be stunned and you'll be able to get some free hits in.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Overall the fight, despite being against Ganon, won't last very long. Just get hitting Ganon, bouncing the energy balls back when needed, until he's defeated!

After a cutscene, you'll now find yourself in control of Zelda. Head over to where Link dropped his cloak and pick it up. After doing so, the nearby rift will start to grow and you'll want to follow the little yellow light out of Ganon's hideout. Just keep running, either avoiding or climbing obstacles, until you're outside.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Another cutscene will then play and, afterwards, you'll find yourself in Hyrule Castle Town. You're now free to explore the town for a bit if you so choose, but your ultimate destination is Hyrule Castle.

When you're ready, head into Hyrule Castle and chat with Impa. While you can explore a small part of the castle, your ultimate destination is the throne room. There Zelda will reunite with her father, the King of Hyrule, as another cutscene begins to play.

What a lovely reunion. Shame if something happened to it... | Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

How to escape Hyrule Castle in Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom

Well that certainly didn't go well. Don't think Princess Zelda had 'Getting locked in a dungeon and awaiting execution' on her to do list, but life sure has some twists and turns. You'll hang out in the dungeon for a short while before that mysterious yellow light will reappear.

It will reveal itself to be a being called Tri and will give Zelda the Tri Rod. This incredibly useful item will allow you to create Echoes of objects and enemies you encounter during Zelda's adventure. You do this by either defeating an enemy or by recording the Echo of an object. These Echoes can then be used to solve puzzles, defeat enemies and traverse the world of Hyrule. Keep in mind that the current number of Echoes you have in play depends on Tri's power, which is symbolised by a number of triangles. Thankfully, as you journey together, Tri will become more powerful. First, however, you need to escape Hyrule Castle.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Start by recording the Echo of the nearby table and then pushing said table over to the shelf, so you can climb up onto it. You now need to create an Echo of the table which you can climb up onto, allowing Zelda to escape through the hole into the next cell.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Since the door to this cell is open, you can head out and follow the corridor to your left. Here you can create a series of Table Echoes - on one the floor, then two on top of each other - to climb atop the nearby shelves to avoid being spotted by the guard. Once you drop down on the other side, make sure you record an Echo of the Wooden Box. Tri will take the time to teach you more about Echoes and how they work.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Two guards are patrolling the way forward and you'll have to figure out how to avoid them. (Anyone else getting Ocarina of Time vibes here?) Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom is a game all about creativity when it comes to puzzle solving, so you're free to attempt certain puzzles how you see fit. You may come up with a solution wholly unique to you!

The way we approached this puzzle was by waiting for both guards to be patrolling sections of the shelves opposite to where Zelda was hiding behind a box. We then pushed this box forward so that it would block the paths of the guards, because it turns out they're not paid enough to turn around. With that down, we then went around the shelf once both guards were blocked by the box before creating a Wooden bBox Echo and, well, boxed them in.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Moving forward, you can safely pass the guards with their backs to you and climb the nearby ladder. Here you'll want to walk along the top of the shelves to where you can record the Hyrule Castle Pot Echo.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

You can now use the nearby pots, or an Echo, to distract the next guard - tossing the pot in the opposite direction to which you want to head, safely moving once he's headed in that direction.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

After this, you'll encounter another guard. Since there are no pots on hard, however, you'll have to create an Echo and smash it against one of the nearby shelves. Just like before - once the guard is moving, go in the other direction and head through the door.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

Here you'll run into Impa again, but, thankfully, she's not a fan of the whole 'Kill the Princess' plan and will give you a disguise to help you escape. Impa will also give you the Log where you'll find a map, alongside a record of all the main and side quests. Finally, she will tell you to visit a house in the southern region of Hyrule as the residents will be able to help Zelda before leaving you to escape the castle.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Nintendo

It's at this point that Zelda's adventure will properly begin with the first main quest - The Mysterious Rifts. You're still not out of Hyrule Castle yet though, so continue reading our The Mysterious Rifts walkthrough to learn how to escape the castle and where to visit first in the land of Hyrule.

Best of luck in Zelda's adventure and, if you're in need of more assistance, check out our Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom walkthrough!

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