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How to get Revelation Crystals in Infinity Nikki

Where to find Revelation Crystals.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Papergames

Revelation Crystals are the currency you need if you wish to pull from the limited-time Infinity Nikki Banners.

Limited-time Banners are only, say it with me now, around for a limited amount of time in Infinity Nikki, so you need to really know whether you want the Outfits they offer before spending your Revelation Crystals. Especially since Revelation Crystals can be quite hard to find…

To help you expand Nikki's clothing collection, we've outlined how to get Revelation Crystals in Infinity Nikki down below.

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How to get Revelation Crystals in Infinity Nikki

Revelation Crystals are the pink crystals currency you can earn through a number of activities in Infinity Nikki. Be warned though, compared to the Resonite Crystals, they're much harder to find.

Here's how to get Revelation Crystals in Infinity Nikki:

  • Spend 120 Diamonds for one Revelation Crystal
  • Spend 100 Tranquility Droplet (40 when discounted) for one Revelation Crystal
  • Spend 20 Surging Ebb for one Revelation Crystal
  • Event reward
  • Pay-to-play track of Mira Journey, the Infinity Nikki battle pass
  • Redeem your Sparklite currency at the Sparklite Store as part of the Mira Crown game mode (monthly limit of three).
Image credit: Eurogamer/Papergames

What are Revelation Crystals used for in Infinity Nikki?

Revelation Crystals are the currency you'll use to pull on the limited-time Banners in Infinity Nikki. Similar to Resonite Crystals, this is the only purpose Revelation Crystals have.

As the name suggests, limited-time Banners don't hang around for long in Infinity Nikki. For this reason, it's best to decide whether you truly want a specific Outfit before you start spending your Revelation Crystals. You don't want to waste them all on an Outfit you're not completely sure about, only to love the next one but be without any Revelation Crystals.

Pulling on a limited-time Banner will also result in you earning some Surging Ebbs, which can be spent on more Revelation Crystals.

Image credit: Eurogamer/Papergames

Good luck collecting Revelation Crystals and, if you want to pull on Infinity Nikki's permanent Banner, then visit our guide on how to get Resonite Crystals.

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