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How to get started with Fallout 4 mods on Xbox One

UPDATE: They're now live.

UPDATE 31/05/2016 7.51pm: Fallout 4 mods are now live on Xbox One. Bethesda just said so.

ORIGINAL STORY 31/05/2016 3.35pm: Fallout 4 gets mods for Xbox One today. It's a feature that's been in the works for some time, but for console users mods may be a daunting prospect. How do they work? How do you download them? What mods are available? Will they mess up my save files?

Eurogamer video chief Ian Higton has put together a video primer for all things Fallout 4 mods on Xbox One, running through how to access, download and use them (warning: you need to set up a user account). I thought it pretty useful as someone who fancies giving Catmeat a shot.

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